Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Week 23 in Vermont

Week 23 started fairly rough. It was a very difficult car ride in the cramped backseat on the very long trip to Vermont. There was so much stuff in the car that I either had to sit straight up (which bothered my legs and back after a short bit) or I re-arranged the cargo and had to lay down in one position on my side the rest of the trip. Doing so led to pretty bad car sickness (which I have never had before), a headache, and really bad cramping. Ugh...miserable. I was a bit upset because I wished that my family had been a bit more considerate of me on the drive up....which leads me to my realization this morning. My family has trouble saying I'm sorry...or maybe they just aren't sorry (which I am hoping is not the case). There seems to be a lack of fundamental respect. Even one of the kids seems to be adopting this issue...after spraying fruit juice in my eyes with a juice box (so not funny! and quite surprising), I did not hear a single word of remorse or an "I'm sorry, Aunt Mer." That hurt me a bit...I always try to do right by my dearly loved nieces and nephews.

I have had to bite my tongue quite a few times on this trip with the cracks at liberals and urban life. That is my life...which I like very much. It is hard to hear the jokes and negative comments about those things. I would never choose country living or promote ignorance (ie being a redneck) over education...these are things that go completely against my grain. However, I do not flaunt my beliefs as being the only "good" or "right" way in front of others that obviously embrace these opposing things. It is a level of respect that I believe one must hold for others-it is being open to the possibility that there is more than one way to live this life. I don't know...frustrating to not see the respect returned. It makes me sad that Ian and I had to twist a few arms and make the extra effort to have some family at my thesis defense in Philly...but traveling to Vermont was so much easier for them to do. The belittling of my lifestyle and my beliefs has worn me down a bit on this trip. Sorry for the negativity, but it helps to vent sometimes.

The weather in Vt is beautiful...really makes me miss living in Massachusetts. I could live there again. New England will always be very dear to me. For now Philly (or filthadelphia as my family calls it) is home and is very much loved by me! And I dearly miss my puppy dogs! Oh and Ian of course!!!

Baby is kicking up a storm these days...she is a feisty one!


1 comment:

Christie said...

Marie, I hope you enjoy the time out of the car when you're in Vermont. I'm sorry it was such an unpleasant trip in so many ways. Glad to hear the baby is kicking and letting you know she's just fine! Maybe she was sending a message that she likes "filthadelphia", too, and was tired of the insults and wisecracks about where her mommy and daddy live. Hope to see you soon!