Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Big mistake

Vermont has become a massive mistake. I was hesitant to make this trip in the first place, for the very reason that I am now attempting to get back home asap. Rental car companies, however, are not cooperating.

In a seemingly innocent conversation about going to the King Arthur factory store tomorrow, my sister refused to agree to leave one hour later in the morning for no apparent or logical reason. When I attempted to explain that I wanted to leave an hour later to allow my usual morning sickness to subside a bit, she greatly hurt me by saying this trip was HER FAMILY vacation. (basically, tough luck sister) Obviously sister does not translate into family in her eyes. This has been said to me repeatedly in the past, and I believe this time the message has really sunk in. I really and truly hope that none of her kids ever speak to one of their siblings in such a hurtful way. I fear that they will learn by example from watching the behavior of their mother. It is too bad that I foolishly keep hoping something would change in her....I have just repeatedly exposed myself to hurt feelings.

Needless to say, I am very very upset. This was one sad mistake. I am afraid of how upset I am getting and the baby...I don't want this stress to affect her at all. And so I will keep looking for a way to get home sooner than later.


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