Sunday, July 26, 2009

Home sweet home...

Overall, Vermont was a difficult trip, but the second half of the week went much better, as I spent much time with my Mom. After going to King Arthur on Wed. (what fun!), we had a nice evening at dinner at a local Italian restaurant with Buck and Demetra. On Thursday morning we took the huskies on a mushing run with the bike cart contraption that Buck built. Poor Lothar (aka Ted the white husky) coached from Mom's car due to his hip dysplasia...he seemed to be okay with watching from the sidelines, but part of him must have missed pulling the sled - meathead that he is! That dog has quite the personality! The other huskies did a great job, even though Lica kept going to the side a bit to avoid pulling all her weight...those red huskies are tricky like much like Luna! Anyway, we then had lunch at a BBQ place and sat around the fire later that evening. The kids loved making smores - Leif and Tessa perfectly burned the marshmallows for me and Mom...great job! Buck lit some fireworks and we ended the night lighting sparklers.

Mom and I dug out a few baby spruce and fir trees to bring home for Ian, as 2/4 of his oak trees died recently. Hopefully all of them will make it.

Mom and I left fairly early on Friday, with one additional stop at King could we resist! We got a really great loaf of Harvest Bread (must get the recipe) to bring home to share with Ian.

Traffic was bad, but not as bad as it could have been I guess. I loved driving through Massachusetts - made me miss living there. We could feel the humidity increase the farther south we drove, by the time we made it to Philly, I was dying! Because the heat and humidity was supposed to be so awful on Saturday, Mom, Ian and I went to Ocean City for the day. Traffic was pretty bad even though we left early - everyone else must have had the same idea as us for an escape. The weather was perfect - cloudy but warm. The water was very refreshing! Great day...great way to come back home.


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