Thursday, July 16, 2009

Week 22

Week 22 has been pretty good. Baby is kicking up a storm! Ian keeps trying to feel her kick, but every time he puts his hand on my belly, she stops kicking! He isn't patient enough to keep his hand there for more than a minute, so as soon as he pulls his hand away she starts to kick again. Oh well, one of these days he will get to experience his dancing daughter.

My belly is getting bigger and much much itchier. I am putting cream on it every night, but I noticed a little rash today. I will have to ask the doctor about it at tomorrow's appointment. It gets really bad at night, or maybe I just notice it more then.

Dogs are loving me being around. They follow me everywhere - from room to room - even into the bathroom. They should enjoy the attention now. No news on the job front...spoke to someone about post-docing, but not feeling very optimistic about it. The belly seems to be very prohibitive to finding work. Pretty soon I am going to have to give up on the short term and focus on lining something up for January. Ugh, don't know how we will make it through then though...maybe Ian can sell some more blood!

Yesterday my Mom and I went to the Barnes Foundation exhibit. The art collection was amazing...way bigger and more extensive than I had imagined. Mom learned a lot - she can now tell the difference between a Cezanne, a Renoir, a Matisse, and Van Gogh based upon the color choices and brushstrokes...very impressive, Mother! We both really liked a Matisse painting (Woman at dressing table, I believe is the name) and Mom got a print of that one and a Monet (one of the few there) that she really liked but didn't notice when we were going through the many many gallery rooms. I will have to mat and frame them for her in the next few weeks. The gardens and arboretum were also quite impressive. We sat by the little fish pond for a bit...very beautiful day. Mom wants to go back again...and I wouldn't mind either before this amazing collection moves to center city (what a shame).

I was happy to see that I am not the only one struggling to battle blackspot on roses...the rose garden at the Barnes is also heavily infected with this annoying disease. I think I have only lost one out of my six rose bushes this summer. The hot sun should help the remaining bushes recover.

After the Barnes, we picked up Buck from the airport - during nasty rush hour traffic. Almost couldn't find him, but we eventually spotted him sitting near the baggage claim doors. Went to the Manayunk Brewery for dinner then. I had a few sips of the blueberry wheat beer and a few others...yum! Baby didn't mind my minor transgression...

That's about it. Was fairly lazy today, very tired from yesterday I guess. Going to do some laundry in case I go to Vermont next week with Mom and Nicole and brood. I can do the other chores tomorrow.

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