Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Another trip to school...

This summer has seemed to really fly by. Tomorrow is my last day of summer classes, so thankfully it will be my last late school night until the end of August. Finals are due next Wed but hopefully they won't be too crazy.
It seems like the countdown to November is racing faster and faster. It is exciting though, once school is finished there's a lot to do around the house: finishing the floor/trim, getting nursery room ready and just in general making sure everything is set.
I certainly wish that there were a few extra hours in the day. There's always so much to get done, and so little time. I think our dogs shed a dog sized ball each week, which just leads to a furry house, furry everything.
I've started reading books to Marie and the baby at night, so hopefully she'll recognize me when she's born. We've started with Wind in the Willows which I remember reading or have read to me as a child. I have fun with this but I pretty much put Marie to sleep within 5 min. I guess my voice is monotone. We made some progress last night though.
Well its an exciting time. Scary though too at the same moment. Its going to be hard to juggle school, the baby, keeping our house standing and Marie next semester. My guess is it will be among the most difficult times of my life.
Well, that's it for now I guess I'll try to be more frequent from now on instead of my usual pictures

1 comment:

Christie said...

Ian, it will be difficult - you do have a lot to juggle. As soon as you see your daughter, it will all be worth it. There's nothing like holding your first child, especially when it's daddy's little girl (I guess Markus should be writing this comment...). You will be great! You're already doing a wonderful job of doting on Marie. Keep it up!