Friday, July 10, 2009

Mid-week 21

Yesterday my Mom and I went to Ocean City NJ for the day. It was very nice, not hot at all, not very crowded, and no traffic! Though we both missed having Ian along to help carry the cooler and beach chairs (and his company of course)! Very pleasant day, though I now have strange burn marks on my feet where I neglected to put sunblock and Mom has the fun raccoon eyes because she didn't use any sunblock all day and wore sunglasses! Crazy woman only has a very slight redness - won't even call it a burn because it will be a ridiculous tan in a day or two. We had some interesting families surrounding (and crowding us)...we never pick a good spot on the beach! Oh well, it was entertaining I guess.

Dogs were depressed I wasn't home yesterday. I knew someone would do something bad - Ian sent me a picture of the damage in the kitchen when he got home from work. It seems that one of the pups helped themselves to a pack (almost full) of whole wheat hot dog rolls. yummy. It wasn't too hard to figure out the guilty thief. Luna had the most horrific diarrhea this morning...too much fiber in one sitting for her! Trying not to laugh at her, poor pup still isn't feeling super great. At least it wasn't the box of protein bars like last time...darn dog was hyped up after that incident.

Some bad news...our water heater decided to die yesterday...a nice leak and water on the floor around it were the telltale signs. Time to replace it. We expected as much, it is over 8 years old I believe. So Ian is coming home early today to meet the repairmen from Home Depot. Another unexpected large expense...

Oh well, I have to make a few pieces of jewelry today...time to get to my job and start working.


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