Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Last day in Vt?

Well, the quiet and solitude of Vermont allows me to write on this blog more than ever...waiting for Mom to finish taking a shower and the huskies are napping (surprise surprise lazy beasts) no one to talk to or entertain me.

Most likely leaving sometime this afternoon, as soon as Buck finishes working on Mom's car. In the meantime, Mom and I are heading to the King Arthur Flour Co store. Love that place, and one of the only reasons that I agreed to come along on this rather unfortunate trip. I'm like a kid in a candy store in that place!

I am not going to discuss my sister is such a painful topic for me, that perhaps it is best to just let go and move on? It is hard to turn your back on family - I don't know how others can be so cold as to do so...but the german half of my family tree has a clear pattern of familial strife and long term (well, forever) estrangement. Well, it will not continue with my children, that is for sure. I do not want them to ever be exposed to this kind of hurt. Hopefully they will acquire Ian's laid-back easygoing mentality, and everything will be "normal." Wow - a normal family, something I have always wanted to experience!

I have learned quite a few things over the past 7 years...difficult experiences sometimes force you to grow and evolve...try not to take someone else for granted and try as hard as you can to express yourself now... never assume they already know what you are feeling. You end up much happier that way. You end up with honest relationships.

Vermont is beautiful though...I seriously doubt that I will return any time soon however. Ian really likes Maine, so maybe we could go back there again...with baby and pups? That would be some adventure! Perhaps in a year or two...

oh well... to the flour and baking we go!

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