Saturday, November 21, 2009

Lactation consultant

We met with our third lactation consultant - this time at a breastfeeding resource center referred to us by the hospital. And of course lovely Aetna is one of the insurance companies unwilling to cover or subsidize such expenses. Since we are 8 days from birth, and our window of opportunity has narrowed, the center squeezed us in before the weekend. It seems that I am one of the minority of women out there that has low milk supply for unknown reasons. I feel like nothing comes easily for us these days. They suggested a plan for the next few days to try to build supply, but the woman was brutally honest (much appreciated) and told us to not get too optimistic. On the bright side, the baby was able to latch on successfully for the first time in days, so that was a good feeling. Bittersweet I guess, as I don't know how many more times I will experience that connection. On the down side, the last ditch plan involves round the clock breast pumping and taking some nasty tasting herbal supplements. I am supposed to do this until Wed. and then call the woman for a revised plan, but I don't know if I want to do this past Sunday. I am mentally fatigued from this. Ready to give in to the ease of formula; not ready for the expense and guilty feelings. I am ready to start enjoying my time with her, rather than constantly stressing about feeding her. Eight days have flown by, with too little enjoyment than I would care to admit.

Other than that (which is my issue, not hers), Annette is an angel. She likes to sleep against my chest...she squirms around until her little head is resting under my chin. She gets nice and toasty that way, under the covers with me. When we pick her up to get her ready for feedings, she makes her little piggy noises. So cute. She is even cute when frustrated with me - she swats me away with her little hands. Strong willed little baby.

We haven't taken too many pictures or videos - too preoccupied with this feeding business. That has to change...we need to make more of an effort to enjoy the little things that will quickly fade as she continues to grow!

Ian continues to do diaper duty...and Annette continues to deliver little presents for her Daddy.

I still need pain medication for my injuries from labor, but I believe it is starting to finally get a bit better. Looking forward to feeling like myself again...looking forward to playing with the pups again.

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