Monday, November 9, 2009

39 Weeks...

Okay, I didn't think it was possible to ever get this big, but I am starting to feel HUGE! Very very awkward. I am looking forward to being able to bend down to pick things up, tie my shoes without having to take a break, and be able to clean up around the house. I am now starting to feel a tremendous amount of pressure in my pelvis making walking or standing around difficult. I seem to have this pain in my times! Ian believes we will be heading to the hospital in the first part of this week (like tomorrow or Wed) but we will see. He is now a little more motivated to work on the laundry and clean the basement at night, so I will take what I can get! Ha ha! Seriously need to pack that hospital bag tonight and wash some of the baby's clothing.

Wouldn't you know it, but today a massive recall of the strollers that Ian and I liked has flooded the news. Both amazon and target have completely removed the maclaren umbrella strollers, at least for now. Frustrating, considering a repair kit is available. Well, I decided to spend the afternoon looking into lightweight travel strollers once again, to see if there was an alternative to the gold-standard Maclarens. I came across a relatively newer US company, Uppababy. They are an eco-friendly innovative company based in Massachusetts (so many points gained by that description!). Their mid-range stroller seems fantastic (G-luxe model), and reviews seem to compare it to the upper end Maclarens. The price is great - over $100 less than the mid-range Maclarens, but with the better features of an upper-end umbrella stroller! And it is very very lightweight and also better rated for taller people (Ian should appreciate that). Well, I am going to make the switch and have registered for the Uppababy. We will be able to use the stroller when the baby is about 3 months old...will be great for running errands in the city/on the train/ or in airports (when we can eventually afford to travel again). I am hoping we can buy it next month sometime - will have to budget for this one. Definitely a must have.

Yesterday we took the dogs to my Mom's to run around for the day. The weather was very nice - warm and sunny. We figured that might be the last time that we could spend the day with the dogs without having a little tag along as well! The dogs seemed to really enjoy the day - and I am really enjoying the quiet today (all pups sleeping on the couches right now). Things seem to be settling back to normal - Sadie and Bella were playing together quite a bit like old times. I really don't want the dogs to feel neglected once the baby comes...gotta make sure that I am extra careful about that.

At Ian's insistence, we went to Wegman's grocery store. He really likes that store, but managed to exhibit some self-control. They had this really good garlic tuscan bread - between the three of us, we ate the entire loaf at dinner. We got home really late, much later than we had planned, so we didn't get a chance to work around the house at all.

It took me until 2pm to get this day started...eating a caramel apple is great motivation! Yum!


1 comment:

Christie said...

Uppababy strollers are nice - I'm seeing them more and more in the city and have read good things, too! We have a MacLaren umbrella stroller for traveling - I'm glad I read your post so I can check out the recall info (yes, I read your site, but not the news - I only have time for the important stuff I want to catch up on!).