Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Personal ramblings...

A few random things that I have found amusing/interesting over the past few days:

1)Levi Johnston - I hope this sad boy continues to ham it up for the media...any bad press for that narrow-minded (um, crazy) hypocritical scary Sarah Palin is good press as far as I am concerned. It cracks me up that the so-called pillar of moral decency is linked to Playgirls newest spread. Go Levi!

2)Carrie Prejean and her solo sex tape. Yes, the former beauty queen is just another hypocrite guilty of vile actions just like the rest of us heathen masses. Another pillar of moral decency proven to be rotten at its core.

3)Twilight actually is a good movie. It pains me to admit that, as I have been teasing Mom for months now about this teen sensation. I would like to see New Moon in the movies...(just vomited a little admitting that one!). Seriously, this series seems to have potential.

4)Finally, on a personal note: I have realized that most of my family will never accept where Ian and I have chosen to live, in the evil city known as Philadelphia. In reality, where we live is the perfect blend of urban and neighborhood qualities. It is perfect for us at this time, and I could not love East Falls or Philadelphia more. It is disappointing to constantly be bombarded with the city versus country argument (I get the opposing side from friends)...why can't both perspectives simply respect the choices of the other and avoid this us versus them attitude?
It is a shame, as family will miss out on experiencing many holidays/birthdays/etc with our new little one simply due to the fact that they do not like this kind of home - our home. Well, to be honest, I could not even begin to imagine living in their chosen locations - it would be terribly limiting professionally, socially, and culturally for me. But, that is their choice, rightfully so, and I am happy for them and hope that they continue to be able to live as they choose. If only they reciprocated those feelings.

It is highly likely that only my Mom will make the brave journey into the dreaded center city to visit us and the baby in the hospital. I am not entirely surprised by this. Additionally, it seems that Thanksgiving this year will simply be Ian, my Mom, myself, and the little one (hopefully by then!). Well, it will be a scrumptious feast nonetheless!


1 comment:

Christie said...

We are doing Thanksgiving in Philadelphia with Kathryn and Gregg. Would you all like to join us for a city-family celebration? We had great fun last year and would love to include you in our city-family celebration! We did it last year and had a great time.