Friday, November 27, 2009

Two weeks old!

I cannot believe these two weeks have passed so quickly! Annette has definitely gotten bigger - filling out a bit (from that formula!) and almost too big for her tiny newborn onesies. My little monster has quite the appetite.

She seems healthy - we were a little concerned as her pooping schedule has changed drastically since switching entirely to formula, but from what I have read, it is completely normal. We have started offering her pacifiers, and she seems to enjoy sucking on them after drinking a bottle. Smart little one has also figured out to keep her hand next to it to stop it from falling out (well...not sure if this is coincidence or if she is actively doing it).

She LOVES her lamb swing and her bouncy chair. Cutie! Also, she seems to like going for drives and her car seat...I really hope this continues! Overall, she is a very sweet baby.

I was starting to feel semi-normal, but I think I may have pushed myself a little too far yesterday. I am going to have to make a doc appointment for next week - I have a hunch as to what I may have injured, and I am going to have to get this checked out asap. (Won't go into it here - would definitely be TMI!) It is frustrating because this will be one more complication from childbirth added to my growing list, and I thought I had been through enough already! For as easy as this whole process is for some women, it seems to be really difficult for me. I just want to be back to normal! I am going to have much difficulty going through this another time unless things get better soon...hmmm, may have to rethink the adoption option.

The dogs are acting out a little - specifically the husky, Luna. Darn dog needs more attention and I am not 100% to be able to give it to her. Trying to be patient with her and a few of the cats (acting needy). Tough balancing everything while Ian goes to work and school. I am not looking forward to next week at all - first full week back for Ian. His finals start soon, so it is only going to get harder for both of us.

I am the only one awake right now...hate nighttime - too quiet and too lonely. I really want to go to the outlets tonight for black Friday. It is my tradition! They opened at midnight and last year Ian and I went between 3 and 4am to avoid the crazy rush at midnight...great sales though. Mom and Nicole are there now - much easier for them to get there coming from the west on Route 422. It would have been nice to have company when I can go without literally being stopped on the highway for an hour (it sucked the year we went at midnight), but they didn't want to wait for me :( Inconvenient for them I guess...I won't say anything more about that :(

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