Thursday, November 5, 2009

I could scream right about now...

OK...I need to take a deep breath before this one...time to vent.

Ian and I both know the washer is dying, so what does Ian do? He puts two insanely ridiculously oversized large loads of laundry through the sick machine yesterday. I wouldn't have put that much in a commercial washer let alone our compact model.

What do I find this evening? A gigantic mess in the washer...had to hand wring out each article of clothing (funny how it happened to be a load of my gentle cycle clothing). Praying the dryer (which is also not running completely normal lately either) can handle the weight of the wet load and that the rest of the items can line dry in the basement. Speaking of the basement...jabbed myself in the belly about a bazillion times just trying to get to the washer. Had to awkwardly twist to reach inside the machine. Fun times. So much junk stacked in front of it in Ian's attempts to clean and organize the basement. Obviously so much more to do...I am extremely frustrated that I cannot do it myself. Really really frustrated.

No washer and a houseful of dirty bedding, towels, clothing...etc. Baby better hold off for another week...or she won't have any clean clothes and blankets either! Now to figure out what to do about this mess and Ian won't be home until late due to class, so I am on my own once again.

Am I stuck in one of those old Calgon commercials? Take me away (and don't bring me back for at least two weeks or until the cleaning fairies have straightened up this disaster of a house)...

Update: After self-medicating with chocolate and cursing the situation, I decided to take it upon myself to get this washer fixed. No time to waste...can't rely on Ian to take care of this. I debated doing the repair myself, spending some time reading online forums and such, and perhaps I would have attempted this if not for my present physical condition, but then gave up and turned to the Sears repair service. They are coming tomorrow afternoon (Yes!) and it will cost ~$220 for parts and labor. Not great...not terrible I guess. It will be fixed though...

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