Monday, November 2, 2009

38 Weeks!

Unbelievable, how the time has flown by...We are a little more prepared now. We now have some diapers and wipes, blankets, a few washed clothes, and a car seat installed and ready for the ride home. We should be prepared to survive the first 2 weeks...I hope! Major thanks to Ian's Mom and my Mom for their help recently. I am not going to wash all of the clothes...just in case this little girl magically is delivered as a little boy (please NO, don't let that happen). Our washing machine is starting to break, so we have to call a repairman soon. Still works, but making a strange thumping noise that is not normal. Also have to call the gas company to have them service our heater - definitely cannot be turned on before servicing so this will have to be done this week. Going to be very cold later in the week. Ugh!

Ian has been doing some things around the house - yesterday he started cleaning out the basement (still much to do though) and he finished installing shelves in the baby's room. Baby's room and diapering area are nice and just need baby! Pet supplies are well stocked, so the zoo will keep running while we are chaotic the first week or so of baby time.

My Mom and I went to King of Prussia mall today to go to the Martha Stewart new cookbook signing at Williams Sonoma. I wasn't going to get a book signed but went along with Mom anyway. Well, when I got there, I felt compelled to get the book anyway...was kind of fun. Mom got there early, so she was mid-way in a very long line. I was running late due to the dogs being fussy and a bit of a mess that Ian left for me in the morning, so I got there right before it was to start. Lucky lucky us, the Williams Sonoma employees bumped us to the front of the line due to my obvious state of pregnancy - what a great benefit to being pregnant and very generous of Williams Sonoma! We couldn't take any pics with Ms. Stewart, but she was very pretty in person and personable. A few lines and wrinkles, but damn I'd love to look that good at her age. Mom asked her which were her favorite recipes and she listed the duck breast and red cabbage recipes...we will have to give some of them a shot. The store had made samples of three of the recipes - the coconut cupcakes and hanger steak with carmelized shallots were yummy! Overall, the cookbook looks like a good one. I am glad I picked it up, and now it is my first signed book.

This week is getting busy (well, busy for me these days). Doc appt tomorrow and then hospital tour on Wed. After that, then this little girl can decide to make her appearance. I am still avoiding thinking too much about labor and delivery. Too too stressful. What will be, will be. Ian has been reading...hopefully he will be a very informed and calm coach, and we are still looking into getting a doula (labor coach) through a free program in our area.

That's about all...each day seems to fly by and doesn't seem to allow me enough time to accomplish what I need to accomplish.

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