Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What next...

Another injured animal. This time it is Thomas, the fat gentle giant kitty. It seems that Leo has struck again, this is now the third time where he has attacked an obviously retreating Thomas. Thomas has a wound on his tail/hindquarters that is very sore to the touch. Discovered it late late last night. It is obviously infected, as it is oozing and tender. I have a vet appointment this afternoon for him - going to need sedation, a drainage tube, and deep cleaning I am sure. I really do not know how I am going to juggle sick Thomas and sick Sadie. Ian cannot take care of this - too busy at work and with school. Mom is unfortunately tied up today as well. Ugh. Add onto that, later tonight I have to take Sadie to get her drainage tubes removed.

This cannot keep happening, for financial reasons and for the sake of the sanity of this household and the pets involved. Thus, Ian and I are in talks about what to do about Leo. Such a nice kitty with people, not so nice with other cats and dogs. He really would do quite well in a no-other-pet household. I feel really bad for Ian, as he looooves that cat. It would be nice if Leo could live with someone we knew, that way Ian could still get to see him and hear all about how he is doing. No one seems able to take him, however. It is a very bad situation.

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