Monday, October 19, 2009

36 weeks

Only one more week until she is considered full term! Hmmm...really really might be time to pack that hospital bag, buy some diapers and wipes, order the pump accessories, and wash some clothes!

We went to a friend's wedding on Saturday - was a very beautiful wedding - and I finally noticed the lower abdominal pressure that marks the beginning of the end. When walking, I constantly feel the need to pee! Ugh, makes me not want to walk around at all.

This may be TMI, but we had a bit of a scare yesterday afternoon. Both Ian and I have been plagued with a cough the past few days. We were sitting on the couch downstairs and all of a sudden I felt a little bit of "leaking." Went upstairs to the bathroom and instantly thought my water might have been breaking. Freaked me out completely (Ian too I believe). Not ready yet! In reality, I believe I had coughed and accidentally pee-ed myself! Oh so embarrassing, good thing I was just at home (wearing Ian's pajama pants...hee hee!). Who knew you could lose control of your bladder and not even realize it? Oh, just another joy of pregnancy. Later that night, we were watching tv in bed. Ian was rubbing my feet and facing me. All of a sudden the baby kicked and danced (Ian said she did the cha-cha) with such force that I barely made it to the bathroom in time.

All of this is contributing to some major anxiety on my part. Had a bit of a freak out today about nothing being ready. It has been particularly tough due to the situation with Sadie and the dogs. She is doing okay but requires quite a bit of time and attention. I am hoping the baby holds off until Sadie's sutures are out and things have settled back to "normal." I have so much to do!

Hand is numb...the rate limiting factor in much of what I do these days. That's all for now.

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