Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Rainy Tuesday

The day started out a little rough. Waited over 30 minutes (in the cold rain!) for the Septa train this morning so that I could go to my doc appointment. Damn Septa. Ended up being about 15 minutes late to the appointment, but I guess that makes up for all the times the OB has made me wait. The appointment was uneventful - heartbeat was strong and she was moving a bit. My blood pressure was elevated, borderline high, so we are going to watch that closely til the end. It may have been a bit high due to my rushing to the appointment, but we will see next week. Negative for protein in the urine - if that had been high in addition to my blood pressure, then we would have been concerned for signs of preeclampsia. I have been given the green light to increase my antacid medication - yes! Maybe I will be able to sleep through the night tonight.
We have an appointment to tour the hospital next week. Finally!

The dogs and I spent the rest of the afternoon napping and watching Martha Stewart. The show was dedicated to spiders (Halloween theme) and I had to look away at only one point in the show. Big huge tarantula scurried around its cage...ewww. Spiders are quite possibly the only creature that truly terrifies me. I hate those legs, particularly the hairy ones.

I am sooo sick of hearing about the Yankees. New York fans are even more obnoxious than Philly fans, and I had doubted that was possible. Ugh...the arrogance. It is absurd how much money the players on that team make compared to every other team in the MLB. Makes me sick. I cannot wait for the games to start - and hope the Phillies kick their overpaid a$$es. First game is tomorrow - you better believe I will be watching.

Finally, I was sorry to hear that Buck and Demetra will not be able to keep their new pup. Lothar (meaTED) has put his paw down firmly on that one...no other dogs allowed! Well, I guess our pack will continue to outnumber the Vermont pack.

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