Sunday, October 11, 2009

Week 35

Carpal tunnel non-stop. Can barely use the computer or even text on my phone or hold a fork during dinner or hold a magazine, etc....right hand painfully numb right now. Brace isn't helping anymore.
I am starting to feel very uncomfortable. Been awake for the past 4 hours. Tonight has been especially bad because I took a nice tumble earlier this evening. We were leaving Nicole's and I took a funny step in the driveway (tiny little pothole) and went straight down, caught myself with my other leg and arms so my belly didn't bang into the ground, but still. Ankle rolled, so it hurt right away and I thought that was the extent of the injuries. Well, my back, side (must have twisted when falling), and shin (scraped up by the driveway) are aching pretty fierce this evening. Hate being so clumsy. Making it impossible to sleep.

Feeling stressed. Nervous that we haven't attended any classes (nor are planning to) or read about labor and delivery. Feel very uninformed and ill prepared. Do not even know exactly where to go when the time comes. Haven't packed my bag yet. Ian doesn't seem to be too concerned - wish I had that peace of mind. He is pre-occupied with classes and starting a new job.

Hand is quitting...enough for now.

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