Sunday, October 25, 2009

37 Weeks!

We made it...37 weeks tomorrow. I can't believe so much time has passed. It seems like yesterday that I was vomiting in the mouse house at school (a research facility) and surviving on watermelon. Soon there will be no more quiet alone time here in the house. As usual, lots to do, but tired and not too much energy.

We spent the day watching soccer games (Dawson's and Ryder's) and almost getting my butt kicked by Dawson in checkers. The boy can strategize that is for sure. Smart.

I also found fantastic casual/fashion sneakers at DSW - clearance and multiple coupons-a bargain! Perfect for my aching and busy feet over the next few months. Now it is time to relax and get a foot massage from Ian. A complete day.

Oh, one more thing -can't wait to see the pics of my newest nephew...Buck and Demetra may have adopted another husky pup. About time they matched us in pack size.

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