Thursday, October 22, 2009

Week from hell update...

The car - rear O2 sensor failed triggering the dreaded yellow engine light. It could have been worse of course - the error code initially read a problem with an O2 sensor or with the catalytic converter (apparently that would have cost waay more to fix). Further diagnosis revealed O2 sensor. Whew...I think. The car is due to be inspected the end of this month (I thought it was up in Nov!) so the mechanic also checked for PA inspection, knowing it would fail anyway due to the yellow engine light/O2 sensor failure. Some belts were worn, so we also had to replace a few of those and needed an oil change. Since inspection failed, but we made the repairs, we need to drive 75 miles before re-inspection (at which point it should pass). Shouldn't be a problem, but will have to take it back one day next week for re-inspection. I guess me and a book/magazine have a date with the mechanic again. Fun times.

We picked up the car last night. Engine light still on. Ugh. Took it back in this morning - 1 out of the 8 pins on the sensor were bent, so it wasn't reading properly. Mechanic apologized - he is such a nice guy and very honest - it has been fixed and is ready to go again. Fingers crossed that there are no surprises this evening.

Overall, I have to admit that I love this old beast. Nissans are well made cars...not fancy but reliable and very functional. The Dog Mobile has really held up for me all these years. As someone who is sooo not impressed by cars or people obsessed with them, the dog slobbered windows, furry air vents, and dulling paint along with a few developing rust spots do not bother me in the slightest. This beast is still ticking! I love it, and I love driving it. Who cares if it handles like a pick-up truck? Who needs ultra-sleek design and smooth handling anyway? It gets me from Point A to Point B...that is what matters.

Regarding the philazoo intensive care unit: Sadie is recovering very nicely. The drains were removed and the wounds have finally stopped leaking disgustingness all over the place. In fact, I may remove Ian's pit-stained t-shirt from poor Sadie and give her a nice fancy sweater or something. Maybe not today, as it is quite warm outside, but over the next few days as it gets colder - she is half-shaved afterall. Hailey completed her dexamethasone challenge yesterday at the vets - this should hopefully confirm our suspicions that she has Cushing's and allow us to finally start her treatment for that. Thomas is quite miserable. I feel very badly for him. He hates his E-collar and just lays around upstairs. He has trouble eating and drinking with it on, so I have been helping him with that periodically throughout the day. He also cannot scratch his neck or ears, so I have been helping with that as well - this elicits a very loud and content rumbly purr from him. He is a very very nice kitty. Ian has been medicating him - for a cat, his twice daily pilling is going fairly well. Cats are very difficult to give pills, hence why most medications are a liquid if possible. Unfortunately, the liquid antibiotics were more expensive, so I chose pill form this time. Keeping my fingers crossed that the abscess heals smoothly, and no further treatment will be needed after the course of antibiotics.

Me: as usual, tired. Very very tired. I was so tired last night, that I missed the ending of the Phillies game :(

I have made a to do list for the next week or so. It has too many entries!

I still need to work on a few things for the kids' Halloween party this weekend. Almost out of time...

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