Monday, October 12, 2009

First day back to reality...

Ian started a new job today. From what he has texted me, the people seem very nice. Though the work may not be exactly what he wanted nor is the pay great, the work environment hopefully will make up for those shortcomings. It was quiet around the house today - lazy dogs and I have been resting. I took a long nap early this afternoon and have been catching up on reading my magazines. I recently heard that Gourmet magazine is ending after the November issue - I am so disappointed by that! I always enjoyed the recipes and articles in that mag. I guess it is a blessing in disguise because I will have even less free time in a few weeks.

Ian was running late for the train, so I was left with doggy care in the morning - everyone ate very well and rather quickly compared to when Ian feeds them. I think they really do treat me as pack leader. I think that is funny; Ian may not share my feelings. They were pretty good overall, didn't whine when Ian left, but they were pretty much stuck to my side (velcro pups) the entire day. In fact, at this moment, Luna and Bella are sleeping next to me on the couch, while Hailey, Ginger, and Sadie are asleep on the other couch. No one wants to be on the floor because it is a bit chilly in here. I am very surprised the cats aren't trying to lay on my lap to get warm. I guess the baby car seat is good enough for Mr. Clawde LeMew.

My right hand is still awful, my left sporadically so, but I expect that will not change for the remaining few weeks. I really should stop using the computer shortly. I have been quite achey today - not sure if this is a function of my fall on Sat night or if I am coming down with something. I really hope I am not getting sick.

My next checkup is tomorrow afternoon with my mean doctor...getting anxious about it already! Ian and I tried to drive to the hospital on Sun early evening, but our dry run was thwarted by Outfest in the gayborhood. Totally forgot that was going on - probably a very good time!

Ian will be home at 8pm tonight, and the Phillies are playing now, so I have plenty of entertainment for the rest of the night. Didn't get any chores finished today, but that is okay. Still time later in the week.

Baby was crazy today - very active. Ian said she was a wild one last night when I fell asleep for a bit - he could see and feel legs/feet/whatever body part beating me up. He said he was surprised that it didn't wake me up.

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