Friday, October 23, 2009


We are not going to be able to make the kids' Halloween party this year. It is tonight at 5pm. Ian is not able to leave work until regular time - 5:30pm-and it would take 1.5 hrs to get there from center city on a good day of traffic. Since it is supposed to rain and it is a Friday afternoon, traffic is going to be an absolute nightmare. We wouldn't get there until 8pm which is the ending of the party. I had some good ideas and a good costume this year, so I am disappointed. I don't want to drive by myself for a few reasons: I find that I am extremely distracted when driving lately, particularly at night when I get more tired than normal; it is supposed to rain during the party and I don't want to get sick; and it just wouldn't be the same without Ian to scare the kids. I am frustrated with Ian because he never uses vacation time for anything personal - always reserved for school. It seems we never do anything fun or anything together with his vacation time. Not really vacation time afterall.

Very very bummed today - doesn't help that I am just sitting here alone in this house (my dungeon).

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