Saturday, October 31, 2009

Clawde yowling outside our door...

A closeup of our daily Clawde stalking...

Clawde is bad...

This is how he tries to get in to our bedroom at night... There used to be a cord there that he would unplug from the outlet(annoying as it was our alarm clock).

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Warm blanket...

Everyone found a seat!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Rainy Tuesday

The day started out a little rough. Waited over 30 minutes (in the cold rain!) for the Septa train this morning so that I could go to my doc appointment. Damn Septa. Ended up being about 15 minutes late to the appointment, but I guess that makes up for all the times the OB has made me wait. The appointment was uneventful - heartbeat was strong and she was moving a bit. My blood pressure was elevated, borderline high, so we are going to watch that closely til the end. It may have been a bit high due to my rushing to the appointment, but we will see next week. Negative for protein in the urine - if that had been high in addition to my blood pressure, then we would have been concerned for signs of preeclampsia. I have been given the green light to increase my antacid medication - yes! Maybe I will be able to sleep through the night tonight.
We have an appointment to tour the hospital next week. Finally!

The dogs and I spent the rest of the afternoon napping and watching Martha Stewart. The show was dedicated to spiders (Halloween theme) and I had to look away at only one point in the show. Big huge tarantula scurried around its cage...ewww. Spiders are quite possibly the only creature that truly terrifies me. I hate those legs, particularly the hairy ones.

I am sooo sick of hearing about the Yankees. New York fans are even more obnoxious than Philly fans, and I had doubted that was possible. Ugh...the arrogance. It is absurd how much money the players on that team make compared to every other team in the MLB. Makes me sick. I cannot wait for the games to start - and hope the Phillies kick their overpaid a$$es. First game is tomorrow - you better believe I will be watching.

Finally, I was sorry to hear that Buck and Demetra will not be able to keep their new pup. Lothar (meaTED) has put his paw down firmly on that other dogs allowed! Well, I guess our pack will continue to outnumber the Vermont pack.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

37 Weeks!

We made it...37 weeks tomorrow. I can't believe so much time has passed. It seems like yesterday that I was vomiting in the mouse house at school (a research facility) and surviving on watermelon. Soon there will be no more quiet alone time here in the house. As usual, lots to do, but tired and not too much energy.

We spent the day watching soccer games (Dawson's and Ryder's) and almost getting my butt kicked by Dawson in checkers. The boy can strategize that is for sure. Smart.

I also found fantastic casual/fashion sneakers at DSW - clearance and multiple coupons-a bargain! Perfect for my aching and busy feet over the next few months. Now it is time to relax and get a foot massage from Ian. A complete day.

Oh, one more thing -can't wait to see the pics of my newest nephew...Buck and Demetra may have adopted another husky pup. About time they matched us in pack size.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009


We are not going to be able to make the kids' Halloween party this year. It is tonight at 5pm. Ian is not able to leave work until regular time - 5:30pm-and it would take 1.5 hrs to get there from center city on a good day of traffic. Since it is supposed to rain and it is a Friday afternoon, traffic is going to be an absolute nightmare. We wouldn't get there until 8pm which is the ending of the party. I had some good ideas and a good costume this year, so I am disappointed. I don't want to drive by myself for a few reasons: I find that I am extremely distracted when driving lately, particularly at night when I get more tired than normal; it is supposed to rain during the party and I don't want to get sick; and it just wouldn't be the same without Ian to scare the kids. I am frustrated with Ian because he never uses vacation time for anything personal - always reserved for school. It seems we never do anything fun or anything together with his vacation time. Not really vacation time afterall.

Very very bummed today - doesn't help that I am just sitting here alone in this house (my dungeon).

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Week from hell update...

The car - rear O2 sensor failed triggering the dreaded yellow engine light. It could have been worse of course - the error code initially read a problem with an O2 sensor or with the catalytic converter (apparently that would have cost waay more to fix). Further diagnosis revealed O2 sensor. Whew...I think. The car is due to be inspected the end of this month (I thought it was up in Nov!) so the mechanic also checked for PA inspection, knowing it would fail anyway due to the yellow engine light/O2 sensor failure. Some belts were worn, so we also had to replace a few of those and needed an oil change. Since inspection failed, but we made the repairs, we need to drive 75 miles before re-inspection (at which point it should pass). Shouldn't be a problem, but will have to take it back one day next week for re-inspection. I guess me and a book/magazine have a date with the mechanic again. Fun times.

We picked up the car last night. Engine light still on. Ugh. Took it back in this morning - 1 out of the 8 pins on the sensor were bent, so it wasn't reading properly. Mechanic apologized - he is such a nice guy and very honest - it has been fixed and is ready to go again. Fingers crossed that there are no surprises this evening.

Overall, I have to admit that I love this old beast. Nissans are well made cars...not fancy but reliable and very functional. The Dog Mobile has really held up for me all these years. As someone who is sooo not impressed by cars or people obsessed with them, the dog slobbered windows, furry air vents, and dulling paint along with a few developing rust spots do not bother me in the slightest. This beast is still ticking! I love it, and I love driving it. Who cares if it handles like a pick-up truck? Who needs ultra-sleek design and smooth handling anyway? It gets me from Point A to Point B...that is what matters.

Regarding the philazoo intensive care unit: Sadie is recovering very nicely. The drains were removed and the wounds have finally stopped leaking disgustingness all over the place. In fact, I may remove Ian's pit-stained t-shirt from poor Sadie and give her a nice fancy sweater or something. Maybe not today, as it is quite warm outside, but over the next few days as it gets colder - she is half-shaved afterall. Hailey completed her dexamethasone challenge yesterday at the vets - this should hopefully confirm our suspicions that she has Cushing's and allow us to finally start her treatment for that. Thomas is quite miserable. I feel very badly for him. He hates his E-collar and just lays around upstairs. He has trouble eating and drinking with it on, so I have been helping him with that periodically throughout the day. He also cannot scratch his neck or ears, so I have been helping with that as well - this elicits a very loud and content rumbly purr from him. He is a very very nice kitty. Ian has been medicating him - for a cat, his twice daily pilling is going fairly well. Cats are very difficult to give pills, hence why most medications are a liquid if possible. Unfortunately, the liquid antibiotics were more expensive, so I chose pill form this time. Keeping my fingers crossed that the abscess heals smoothly, and no further treatment will be needed after the course of antibiotics.

Me: as usual, tired. Very very tired. I was so tired last night, that I missed the ending of the Phillies game :(

I have made a to do list for the next week or so. It has too many entries!

I still need to work on a few things for the kids' Halloween party this weekend. Almost out of time...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Animal print socks!

Cute! Thanks Grandma Netty!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Week from hell...

Okay, how much more can possibly go wrong? Really????

Something is wrong with our car...taking it into the garage tomorrow. I expect it will be a major bill, it always is anymore (the car is 12 years old).

I am starting to look around the house and think of ways to sell this or that to try to generate some funds...not looking very good these days. Desperate times...not a good feeling at all.

Dumb leo

He bit me again :(

Feeling good in the sun

and starting to play again with her sisters

What next...

Another injured animal. This time it is Thomas, the fat gentle giant kitty. It seems that Leo has struck again, this is now the third time where he has attacked an obviously retreating Thomas. Thomas has a wound on his tail/hindquarters that is very sore to the touch. Discovered it late late last night. It is obviously infected, as it is oozing and tender. I have a vet appointment this afternoon for him - going to need sedation, a drainage tube, and deep cleaning I am sure. I really do not know how I am going to juggle sick Thomas and sick Sadie. Ian cannot take care of this - too busy at work and with school. Mom is unfortunately tied up today as well. Ugh. Add onto that, later tonight I have to take Sadie to get her drainage tubes removed.

This cannot keep happening, for financial reasons and for the sake of the sanity of this household and the pets involved. Thus, Ian and I are in talks about what to do about Leo. Such a nice kitty with people, not so nice with other cats and dogs. He really would do quite well in a no-other-pet household. I feel really bad for Ian, as he looooves that cat. It would be nice if Leo could live with someone we knew, that way Ian could still get to see him and hear all about how he is doing. No one seems able to take him, however. It is a very bad situation.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sleepy time for Sadie

E-collar free...

But still sad :(

Shhh...don't tell the vet, but Sadie gets a reprieve from the dreaded plastic cone-head. If not covered with her blankies, she shivers from the cold. Poor baby!

36 weeks

Only one more week until she is considered full term! Hmmm...really really might be time to pack that hospital bag, buy some diapers and wipes, order the pump accessories, and wash some clothes!

We went to a friend's wedding on Saturday - was a very beautiful wedding - and I finally noticed the lower abdominal pressure that marks the beginning of the end. When walking, I constantly feel the need to pee! Ugh, makes me not want to walk around at all.

This may be TMI, but we had a bit of a scare yesterday afternoon. Both Ian and I have been plagued with a cough the past few days. We were sitting on the couch downstairs and all of a sudden I felt a little bit of "leaking." Went upstairs to the bathroom and instantly thought my water might have been breaking. Freaked me out completely (Ian too I believe). Not ready yet! In reality, I believe I had coughed and accidentally pee-ed myself! Oh so embarrassing, good thing I was just at home (wearing Ian's pajama pants...hee hee!). Who knew you could lose control of your bladder and not even realize it? Oh, just another joy of pregnancy. Later that night, we were watching tv in bed. Ian was rubbing my feet and facing me. All of a sudden the baby kicked and danced (Ian said she did the cha-cha) with such force that I barely made it to the bathroom in time.

All of this is contributing to some major anxiety on my part. Had a bit of a freak out today about nothing being ready. It has been particularly tough due to the situation with Sadie and the dogs. She is doing okay but requires quite a bit of time and attention. I am hoping the baby holds off until Sadie's sutures are out and things have settled back to "normal." I have so much to do!

Hand is numb...the rate limiting factor in much of what I do these days. That's all for now.

Ian's girl...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hanz cooking himself... the space heater.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sadie getting her warm compress

Feels good since sooo cold in the house (no heat!)

Sadies wounds

5 drainage tubes and many sutures...from neck to tail.


1600 dollars. Sadie is ready to come home! Look at that tail wagging!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dog troubles...

I took the dogs to my Mom's yesterday, as they were getting stir-crazy and needed a good run. Day started out well. My Mom and I ran a few errands and put the three pups in the outside kennel...uneventful as usual. Old dogs stayed in the house - too cold for their old joints. We came home so I could give Hailey her Plavix and then left again to go to the new Wegman's grocery store. Back to the kennel for the pups. We were gone for almost 4 hours! What a grocery store... Anyway, when we got home it was dark, so we let the dogs out of the kennel and I instantly could tell something was up with Sadie. She was slinking about with her tail down, keeping her hindquarters down a bit. She kept trying to get in the car while I was transferring my groceries from Mom's car. Normal Sadie would be jumping all over us, upbeat and crazy.

As I was walking towards the house with more light to see her, I noticed a strange wet substance all along her side and hindquarters. Uh-oh. Immediately got her inside and straight to the bathroom. The stuff was strange, oily and brownish colored. Still not quite sure what it was. Then I noticed the blood and wounds along her back and neck. Fortunately, Sadie LOVES the bathtub - it is like a den to her. I frequently find her laying in the tub at home. She hopped right in the tub. Mom was able to rinse her off, and Sadie laid down while we tried to figure out what to do. Wounds were still bleeding. Though her fur is thin, it was hard to see the extent of the bites. She yelped and snapped when we were inspecting the wounds - in fact, she owes Dad $3 for the tear in his shirtsleeve (she snapped at him when he touched her back). Dad checked out the kennel and didn't see any wild animals, but he did find a freshly mangled shrew outside the doghouse in the kennel. Mom found nothing obvious on Bella or Luna. So strange. We thought maybe Sadie laid down on a nest of shrews inside the doghouse, and maybe that is what bit her.

Mom and I drove her to Metropolitan - an awesome (but expensive) emergency vet hospital in Trooper with whom we have waaay too much experience. Ian met my Mom at the train station in Norristown while I waited for Sadie. The vets sedated her, shaved her, and examined the wounds. They brought Ian and I back to see the extent. Unbelievable. No way a shrew could do this! One wound on her side (near her scars from her Penn surgery and missing kidney) was so deep they could insert the probe all around about 3 inches in a semicircle. All that dead space would need cleaning, as any trapped bacteria could lead to nasty infection. Another set had fat tissue coming out of the if the attacker grabbed on and tore. She had at least 10 puncture marks all along that side, and that was before they were able to look at her right side. The wounds were too extensive to see a distinct bite pattern. The vet was concerned the deepest puncture may have penetrated her abdominal cavity...that would be bad bad bad. Major surgery and worst case. Fortunately, we avoided that one and the wounds on the right side were fairly superficial in comparison - a few near the neck and one on the face.

My favorite vet (he graduated VMD/PHD from Penn...haha a real doctor, too!) who worked on both Franz for his abscess and Hailey for her clotting issues decided to put her under general anaesthesia to deep clean each wound and further explore. Three drainage tubes were needed along her left side, not sure how many sutures. They've described her as looking like, just in time for Halloween. She is recovering today and is doing well so far. We get to pick her up tonight after Ian's class is over, as I cannot lift her by myself or she might be home right now.

The general consensus is that Bella and Sadie got into a massive fight (over the dead or captured and about to die shrew?). We found a bite mark under Bella's jaw and a scrape on her snout. Nothing on Luna. Sadie has been kind of bitchy and more aggressive over the past few days, guarding food and toys more than normal. She attacked Hailey over food the other day, and at the time, I thought that was the worst dog fight my pack had ever had. Fortunately, old Hailey didn't fight back at all, and Ian and I were able to finally pull Sadie off of her. No injuries that time. Well, maybe Bella had enough this time and just snapped. Revenge for the Hailey attack - lab pack loyalty? Bella definitely won the fight. Poor bitchy Sadie.

In the future, Sadie will be kept separate from the other dogs while we are not home. She basically does this anyway by crawling through the cat gate and sleeping on our bed while the other two pups are stuck in the kitchen. We have Sadie's kennel and dog house from Nicole's and are going to install next to the big kennel at my parents asap. The vet mentioned we might want to meet with a dog behavioral specialist, particularly with the timing of the baby. I am confident that I can handle these new issues, though, and will not explore professional help. In reality, we couldn't afford to do so anyway. After all these years of dog pack observation, and all the reading that I do, I think Ian and I can tackle this. But everyone better follow my new rules (hint hint Ian and Mom!).

Now to deal with the vet bill (not even going there in this post) and Frankenstein dog...

Oh, so exhausted today because didn't get to bed until almost 3am!!! Quiet today without my crazy velcro dog.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

First day back to reality...

Ian started a new job today. From what he has texted me, the people seem very nice. Though the work may not be exactly what he wanted nor is the pay great, the work environment hopefully will make up for those shortcomings. It was quiet around the house today - lazy dogs and I have been resting. I took a long nap early this afternoon and have been catching up on reading my magazines. I recently heard that Gourmet magazine is ending after the November issue - I am so disappointed by that! I always enjoyed the recipes and articles in that mag. I guess it is a blessing in disguise because I will have even less free time in a few weeks.

Ian was running late for the train, so I was left with doggy care in the morning - everyone ate very well and rather quickly compared to when Ian feeds them. I think they really do treat me as pack leader. I think that is funny; Ian may not share my feelings. They were pretty good overall, didn't whine when Ian left, but they were pretty much stuck to my side (velcro pups) the entire day. In fact, at this moment, Luna and Bella are sleeping next to me on the couch, while Hailey, Ginger, and Sadie are asleep on the other couch. No one wants to be on the floor because it is a bit chilly in here. I am very surprised the cats aren't trying to lay on my lap to get warm. I guess the baby car seat is good enough for Mr. Clawde LeMew.

My right hand is still awful, my left sporadically so, but I expect that will not change for the remaining few weeks. I really should stop using the computer shortly. I have been quite achey today - not sure if this is a function of my fall on Sat night or if I am coming down with something. I really hope I am not getting sick.

My next checkup is tomorrow afternoon with my mean doctor...getting anxious about it already! Ian and I tried to drive to the hospital on Sun early evening, but our dry run was thwarted by Outfest in the gayborhood. Totally forgot that was going on - probably a very good time!

Ian will be home at 8pm tonight, and the Phillies are playing now, so I have plenty of entertainment for the rest of the night. Didn't get any chores finished today, but that is okay. Still time later in the week.

Baby was crazy today - very active. Ian said she was a wild one last night when I fell asleep for a bit - he could see and feel legs/feet/whatever body part beating me up. He said he was surprised that it didn't wake me up.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Week 35

Carpal tunnel non-stop. Can barely use the computer or even text on my phone or hold a fork during dinner or hold a magazine, etc....right hand painfully numb right now. Brace isn't helping anymore.
I am starting to feel very uncomfortable. Been awake for the past 4 hours. Tonight has been especially bad because I took a nice tumble earlier this evening. We were leaving Nicole's and I took a funny step in the driveway (tiny little pothole) and went straight down, caught myself with my other leg and arms so my belly didn't bang into the ground, but still. Ankle rolled, so it hurt right away and I thought that was the extent of the injuries. Well, my back, side (must have twisted when falling), and shin (scraped up by the driveway) are aching pretty fierce this evening. Hate being so clumsy. Making it impossible to sleep.

Feeling stressed. Nervous that we haven't attended any classes (nor are planning to) or read about labor and delivery. Feel very uninformed and ill prepared. Do not even know exactly where to go when the time comes. Haven't packed my bag yet. Ian doesn't seem to be too concerned - wish I had that peace of mind. He is pre-occupied with classes and starting a new job.

Hand is quitting...enough for now.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Baby Shower

Here are a few pictures from our baby shower on Sunday:

Beautiful pink roses in honor of our beautiful little girl

Shower favors were little diapers filled with pastel chocolate safari animals. Very cute!

The hosts of the shower: Marie's mom, Grandma Netty, and Christie, one of Marie's oldest friends.
Opening presents
The helpers of the day, Marie's nieces Eve and Tessa, fashionably wearing pink in honor of their first cousin.
The weather was beautiful, so we were fortunate enough to spend the day outside.
Lots of goodies: cute clothes, fun toys and supplies.
Linda entertaining little Maeve

The handiwork of Eve and company: Tessa, Sarah and Sophia
The hosts preparing the punch.
Girl talk.
The mom-to-be.

The future daddy talking to a U Penn friend and Nicole, Marie's sister. We will have to post a pic of the gorgeous sweater and hat hand knitted by Nicole for the little one.
The very tasty cake from the bakery here in East Falls: vanilla cake with strawberry cream and chocolate ganache. Sickeningly sweet buttercream icing... yum!