Thursday, August 27, 2009

The weeks are flying by...

funny how fast this summer has gone by...

Yesterday was my niece Eve's birthday (11 years old). Happy Birthday again! My Mom and I went to visit in the evening (Ian had class). It was a nice time. As usual, it was good to see all of the kids. Ryder kept hiding behind me and scaring me - my guard must have been down, because usually he isn't that good at getting me! Next time he won't be so lucky...
Eve was dressed up a bit in a very cute shirt and styled seems that there is a boy (boyfriend?) and there was a possibility that he would stop by for some ice cream cake and to give Eve some flowers for her bday. He didn't make it unfortunately, but I still think he is a very nice boy. Eh, boys are unreliable at any age it seems! My phone was commandeered again while we were all at soccer practice...this time by Dawson to view strange (though harmless) videos on youtube. Apparently Charlie the unicorn 3 is a must-see...this according to Dawson. Strange. Eve got a camera for her bday - a nice Canon powershot. By the time Mom and I left, there was a movie production going on in the living room...complete with most of the kids dancing: Eve, her friend Sarah, Dawson, Tessa, her friend Sophia, Leif, Sawyer, and even Griffin towards the end of the evening. It was a blast. I can't wait to see the pics and movies of all of them.

Today, Ian is putting the lead sealant in the bathroom - 1st coat - before heading to class tonight. Thursdays are his long days it seems: 4pm to 9:15. The bathroom project is taking forever. I really can't wait for it to be finished, but then the bedroom is next and that is even more daunting of a task. For my part, I have vowed to complete one organizational project per will be straightening up the bedroom in preparation for the flooring/wall project. This means possibly downsizing my shoe collection (anyone in need of size 8.5 -9 women's shoes? some possibly never worn?) and clearing out old clothing that I have hung onto too long. Simplicity is the goal...hard for a clothes hound and bargain shopper.

This weekend the goal is to finally tackle the thank you cards from the wedding. I am taking over this project from has been over 8 months and it is to the point of being ridiculous! For all the things that I did for the wedding, I had thought Ian could handle invitations and thank you cards. I haven't wanted to push him too much, as this has been (and continues to be) a terribly stressful past year. But...invitations went out super late and now thank you cards will be sent in close proximity to baby shower invites! A little embarrassing, but hopefully friends and family will be understanding. My handwriting is terrible, so hopefully I won't totally butcher them. My Mom has offered to help, but I don't think that would be right. Instead she can help with house painting and staining!

Well, I still haven't gone through my emails or caught up with friends. Perhaps that will be Mondays project - Must get done, gotta get stuff in order finally.

Baby is still kicking up a storm. She is such a funny little one. Unfortunately, I haven't been feeling as good this week as in the past few weeks. Been very tired and achey - not sleeping more than 2-3 hours at a time either. Hopefully can make it down the home stretch!

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