Sunday, August 9, 2009

A night out....

Sat night we had a rare night out at Christie's neighborhood party. It was a great time - complete with mango margaritas (yummy and alcohol free for Marie). I took the tequila away before she was able to add it, but I think she managed a sip from our other host Kathryn. The girl is fiending for a drink.

We met a lot of interesting people, including the local exhibitionist aka shower girl. Who takes a shower at 8pm at night for hour and a half with no shades?

We also sugar loaded one of the local toddlers with three of those chocolate cupcakes resulting in a massive meltdown. Lots of fun to watch! Glad we are not having a boy.

Thank you to Christie for really cute outfits - they are really great and cover some much needed size ranges! I have just been informed that the baby is getting space in the closet which is more than I have ever received.

Grandma Netty gave the little one her first book - a little golden book called The Shy Little Kitty. In it she wrote that she would read it any time the little one asks. I think she will regret this promise and have it memorized in short order.

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