Monday, August 3, 2009

Week 25

The baby is kicking up a storm...pretty constant and sometimes downright distracting and borderline uncomfortable. Having trouble sleeping at night most of the time, which is making me irritable particularly in the mornings (ha ha, like right now!). I started to put away the baby's clothes, but I made sure to leave the tags on just in case this turns out to be a boy (which would only happen to me!) We cleared a bit of room in the spare bedroom, but doing so only made me realize we are out of space....too much stuff! There is no room for a changing table in the "nursery" so we are going to have to make do by changing diapers on my desk in that room. On the bright side, it will work, and it will save us money. There is just enough room for the rocking chair that my Mom is planning to get us - though I am not sure that we should get it due to the expense - we will see.
I think we have a good supply of newborn I have to hold off on buying more of that stuff though they are very cute. Gotta work on the 3-6 month clothes now...and maybe some kids books.

Staying at home is really wearing me down. I can safely say that I hate it! I feel trapped inside this house, and the current heat wave is not cooperating at all. I can barely stand anything above the low 80s, so there are days when I don't even leave the house at all. Not a good thing for me physically or mentally....also probably why I haven't been feeling well lately. Thankfully we have taken a few day trips to the shore - the only excitement in my life these days. I need to figure out how to deal with this situation; I cannot continue on just doing chores and housework (never-ending and making me quite resentful of Ian's messy habits) day after day. I need something to look forward to each day - a reason to get out of bed!

There are many projects around the house that must be completed before the baby comes, but it is a real struggle to motivate Ian to do them. I have little momentum to get myself started, let alone try to encourage him. I fear that we will not get it done, and he will start working again and school and there then will be no time. Most of it I cannot do by myself - it is too physically demanding (installing flooring and trim and scraping paint off ceilings and walls) right now. Ian does not seem to enjoy the housework or projects, and seems to prefer watching tv or playing wii, which doesn't help matters at all...I am starting to feel a little alone in all of this and a bit of a nag. This is still a vacation of sorts to him I guess, until school and/or work starts again. For me, it is a bit of torture, with no end in sight!

Such a downer I am...don't like this at all!

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