Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lazy Sunday ramblings

We are relaxing and taking it a little easier today...the past few days have been fairly busy. Ian started scraping the peeling paint in the bathroom on Wednesday in the hopes of finally fixing it up, and unwittingly uncovered a big problem with potential (probable) lead paint. He stopped, well, he stopped after I freaked out about lead dust and the health hazards of lead, and did some sorely needed research about this dangerous problem. We are going to ask the OB about testing me for my potential exposure to the lead...fortunately our next checkup is tomorrow.

The plan now is to encapsulate the potential lead using a special sealant after *carefully* removing the peeling and damaged stuff. The worst of it (removing the peeling paint) is finished, with Ian using a lead filter respirator and sealing off the room. He has covered all surfaces with spackle to even the texture, but still needs to sand and apply finishing coats - looks really rough now. Then apply the sealant, prime, and paint...then done! Well, at least with the comes the bedroom, the nursery spare bedroom, and the hallway. much work and way behind schedule but this problem must be fixed asap and his schooling starts again very soon.

I stayed at my parents with the five dogs Thursday through Friday to avoid additional was a good time! Mocha enjoyed the sleepover with her five sisters. Lots of swimming in the crick and running around outside. Hailey had a rough time - she fell a few times and seemed to be very sore and limped quite a bit...old age is really setting in. The dogs were very good - slept through the night right next to (or on top of) me and Mom on the couches in the living room. Only bad thing was that the poor dogs uncovered multiple yellow jacket nests and swarms over the two days. I think the only dog not stung was Luna...couldn't get through her thick fur. Hardest struck was Sadie. Fortunately Mom and I were not stung once. On the bright side, the pups uncovered a huge nest down near the crick, right near where Mom and Dad set up for their annual picnic which was on Saturday.

We did end up going to the picnic after all on Saturday. I didn't think we would make it because I had a bridal shower that afternoon for a friend in Philly at a nice restaurant on the waterfront (food was very very good...she and her family are fellow foodies! herb crusted salmon and then creme brulee for dessert...yum!). The shower was fun, and I am glad I was able to make it. The bride is a very sweet and nice girl that I met at Penn in graduate school - in my class and program. She and her groom to be make a wonderful couple, and I am sure the wedding in October is going to be amazing. Despite being HUGE by then, I fully plan to attend - wouldn't miss it for the world!

Back to the picnic...there were a good number of people there, most of whom I could not identify. Mom's bbq chicken and hot wings were very good, and Ian definitely ate more than his share! It was great to see the kids, as I haven't seen them since Vermont. Leif, Griffin, and Maeve were their usual boisterous selves; Sawyer was glued to Ian a good part of the day; and Ryder, Dawson, and Eve and I spent a lot of time hanging out and talking. I loved it! The only thing a little odd was Tessa...she was very distant and wouldn't speak to Ian or me. Makes me think that she is aware of the problems between me and my sister....that is a real shame. I was hoping that the kids would be a bit shielded from all this pettiness. Very disappointed in that.

Tonight is supposed to be my sister's birthday dinner, but Ian and I will not be going for multiple reasons. First of all, we can't afford to go. It is pricey and fairly far away for us. With all the unanticipated house issues, the baby, and our joint unemployment, we have to be sooo frugal. Sucks. Second of all, it would be awkward right now, as Nicole and I have not spoken directly to each other or attempted to address our issues. Third of all, so much to do around the house over the next two weeks. Part of me feels a little guilty for not going, but then again, there have been countless times that I have not felt supported by my sister. Two wrongs never make a right, but sometimes you need to do what is best for yourself.

Got a call from my brother Buck and Demetra this morning - they might have H1N1 (I refuse to call it swine flu anymore). Buck is better, and Demetra seems to have a mild case. I have a strange fascination with this virus...and the potential badness it may bring this winter. I am definitely going to get the vaccine asap...good thing that pregnant women are going to be first in line when it becomes available...bad thing that we are also extremely susceptible to the strain.

Oh well, a little more relaxation this afternoon then back to work this evening! Oh wait - one funny thing - before I left for my Mom's, I had made a pitcher of iced tea out of tea recommended during pregnancy. I guess I forgot to mention this to Ian, as he drank nearly the entire pitcher while working on the bathroom. I got a kick out of that...hope his hormones were in balance those two days!



Buck said...

going to the doctor tomorrow i'll keep you posted. i'm not surprised luna didn't get stung-stubborn fur and stubborn personalities!

Buck said...

Dem went to the doc, probably the SWINE...did not run tests as it was not necessary.

Yup, we met the SWINE, bi*** slapped it in the face, and said "now go make me a sandwich"...

Ian said...

You retarded.