Saturday, August 22, 2009

Just a little blue this evening...

Feeling a little down. Since we have been working on fixing up the house, I have been thinking more and more of the things that we will need for the baby. Trying to pare down that list to the bare essentials, because the rational part of me knows most of the stuff out there isn't really necessary to raise a baby. It is hard though...I do have an emotional side! And I have an inner shopper in me that is dying a slow punishing death (akin to starvation) due to our current financial state. I have picked out so much on our is absurd because I will never be able to afford a fraction of the items. I probably shouldn't have done that...not fun or productive to window shop knowing you can never buy. Setting oneself up for disappointment. At the time, though, it was the closest thing to actually shopping!

I know a crib bedding set (even a cheap one like what I picked out) isn't absolutely essential, but it would be nice to feel good about something, to have something cute/pretty to enjoy. I would like to have picked out a crib, a changing table, stroller and really fancy up a nursery and this pregnancy in my taste/style...but the financial higher powers have not cooperated this time. Trying to decide if we can afford the classes (birthing, infant CPR, breastfeeding) offered at the hospital...whether this is a necessity or not...whether we can get by without them.

I AM very grateful for every single hand-me-down -- the free crib, the hideous but functional high chair, the toys, the car seats, the stroller (which I do like very very much) etc. I do appreciate each and every item. I just wish I could experience the excitement and fun that comes from picking out something for your baby and creating that special nest...I have seen friends go through this. Picking out the best for your child....Feeling blue because I don't feel like I can experience this. Sad because I can only provide so little...letting the little one down already. No one to blame but myself job, no money!


1 comment:

Christie said...

Marie, don't blame yourself, and you're not letting your baby down! Don't tell anyone, but we didn't take the infant CPR class...and the breastfeeding, well, I didn't find it super useful. A lot of it I knew already from reading - I can recommend and lend you a book if you're interested. The hands-on lactation consultant sessions in the hospital were much more valuable. Not sure if that's helpful info, but maybe that can save you money on classes so you can buy something for the baby or the nursery instead. :-) You will be showered with gifts and gift cards in the coming weeks, so you will have your chance to shop soon, I promise.