Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Another night...

So Marie seems to finally be getting some sleep, unfortunately its on the couch, so we'll see how long that lasts. She'll probably wake up in a bit and be unable to sleep all night. The little one seems to like to kick her at inconvenient times, and I really imagine that a kick to the bladder is no fun.

I signed up to take the patent bar, and my check went through, so I guess that means my application was accepted and I have about 3 months to take the exam. Should be a fun time. I am also taking the MPRE this Friday, though that should be considerably easier. For those of you not familiar with legal exams, the MPRE is a portion of the bar about professional responsibility, and can be taken any time during law school. I took the class last semester, so I may as well take the exam now. For your entertainment here is a sample question:

1. Attorney Alpha currently represents Builder, a building contractor and the plaintiff in a suit to recover for breach of a contract to build a house. Builder also has pending before the zoning commission a petition to rezone property Builder owns. Builder is represented by Attorney Beta in the zoning matter. Neighbor, who owns property adjoining that of Builder, has asked Alpha to represent Neighbor in opposing Builder’s petition for rezoning. Neighbor knows that Alpha represents Builder in the contract action. Is it proper for Alpha to represent Neighbor in the zoning matter?

A. Yes, if there is no common issue of law or fact between the two matters.

B. Yes, because one matter is a judicial proceeding and the other is an administrative proceeding.

C. No, because Alpha is currently representing Builder in the contract action.

D. No, if there is a possibility that both matters will be appealed to the same court.

The answer is of course C, but I'm sure you knew that. Basically a lawyer can't represent two people who are suing eachother, even if the matters he represents them on are different. So this is pretty fun stuff. :)

I have a meeting with a recruiter tomorrow, hopefully it will go well. I also spoke to an attorney at another large law firm in the city. He gave me some hope that my direction is a good one.

Well, hopefully with some sleep Marie will feel a bit better, I worry about her being stressed out too much.

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