Monday, August 10, 2009

26 weeks

Wow, I cannot believe it has been 26 weeks...the end is approaching! Unreal and a bit terrifying. I am starting to feel as big as a house (this is becoming a bit traumatic for me) and am hating this heat! For once, I am totally okay with not having to leave the house for the next few days (100 degree days!!!!). I cannot wait for the fall. Trying to come up with a clever Halloween costume-definitely going to avoid something as cheesy and cliche as a pregnant nun.

Hmmm..related to Halloween, my aversion to chocolate has disappeared. Still not a chocoholic as before, but I am actually enjoying it again. Fruit and berries trump all however! I think I could live on watermelon, mango, strawberries, and blueberries...cherries. Hmmm...tomatoes and cucumbers are up there too! Good thing this pregnancy happened over the summer...good thing Costco supplies these things in abundance for prices that we can actually afford, though Ian's crate o' mangos borders on absurdity.

I feel a bit clumsy and awkward, but Ian is being really great about that. He is also giving fantastic foot massages - well, he has always done that - but it seems so wonderful these days. He has also come up with a plan for the next two weeks to try to tackle the list of must-do house projects. It is ambitious and we will be very busy, but it must take priority in the next two weeks so that he can start school again (and work hopefully) with less stress at home. We will be very busy unemployed bums.

The baby is kicking, but this week she is a little more bladder kicks/punches. I think after my next appointment in a week we start having appointments every two weeks...which means we probably need to sign up for birthing classes. Ugh...

I have been cleaning out the spare bedroom/nursery...getting all my craft and art supplies organized to clear some space for the baby supplies. I discovered some really cool stuff, by the way, that I had almost forgotten I had! It is coming together- just need to order the crib bedding and then that will be all set. I changed my mind about which set. Ian and I went to Target to actually look at it, and he gave his seal of approval. He likes the lion a lot! No more changes!

I have started to feel alive again, so I am going to start responding to the various emails from my friends sent over the past few weeks...I hope I haven't sorely disappointed any of them for my persistent silence. I know my Mom and Christie have been starting to work on planning a baby shower for us - I want to thank them very much for doing so much already and what they may do in the future (I expect nothing!!!). Sometimes I wonder what I do or did to deserve the two of you! Whatever happens I am sure it will be a fantastic time and I will appreciate it very much.

Other than that, I have been spending time with the pups. Keep telling myself to enjoy these last two months before the craziness really sets in.

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