Friday, August 28, 2009

Full bed

Means full of animals...3 dogs and 2 cats...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The weeks are flying by...

funny how fast this summer has gone by...

Yesterday was my niece Eve's birthday (11 years old). Happy Birthday again! My Mom and I went to visit in the evening (Ian had class). It was a nice time. As usual, it was good to see all of the kids. Ryder kept hiding behind me and scaring me - my guard must have been down, because usually he isn't that good at getting me! Next time he won't be so lucky...
Eve was dressed up a bit in a very cute shirt and styled seems that there is a boy (boyfriend?) and there was a possibility that he would stop by for some ice cream cake and to give Eve some flowers for her bday. He didn't make it unfortunately, but I still think he is a very nice boy. Eh, boys are unreliable at any age it seems! My phone was commandeered again while we were all at soccer practice...this time by Dawson to view strange (though harmless) videos on youtube. Apparently Charlie the unicorn 3 is a must-see...this according to Dawson. Strange. Eve got a camera for her bday - a nice Canon powershot. By the time Mom and I left, there was a movie production going on in the living room...complete with most of the kids dancing: Eve, her friend Sarah, Dawson, Tessa, her friend Sophia, Leif, Sawyer, and even Griffin towards the end of the evening. It was a blast. I can't wait to see the pics and movies of all of them.

Today, Ian is putting the lead sealant in the bathroom - 1st coat - before heading to class tonight. Thursdays are his long days it seems: 4pm to 9:15. The bathroom project is taking forever. I really can't wait for it to be finished, but then the bedroom is next and that is even more daunting of a task. For my part, I have vowed to complete one organizational project per will be straightening up the bedroom in preparation for the flooring/wall project. This means possibly downsizing my shoe collection (anyone in need of size 8.5 -9 women's shoes? some possibly never worn?) and clearing out old clothing that I have hung onto too long. Simplicity is the goal...hard for a clothes hound and bargain shopper.

This weekend the goal is to finally tackle the thank you cards from the wedding. I am taking over this project from has been over 8 months and it is to the point of being ridiculous! For all the things that I did for the wedding, I had thought Ian could handle invitations and thank you cards. I haven't wanted to push him too much, as this has been (and continues to be) a terribly stressful past year. But...invitations went out super late and now thank you cards will be sent in close proximity to baby shower invites! A little embarrassing, but hopefully friends and family will be understanding. My handwriting is terrible, so hopefully I won't totally butcher them. My Mom has offered to help, but I don't think that would be right. Instead she can help with house painting and staining!

Well, I still haven't gone through my emails or caught up with friends. Perhaps that will be Mondays project - Must get done, gotta get stuff in order finally.

Baby is still kicking up a storm. She is such a funny little one. Unfortunately, I haven't been feeling as good this week as in the past few weeks. Been very tired and achey - not sleeping more than 2-3 hours at a time either. Hopefully can make it down the home stretch!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Just a little blue this evening...

Feeling a little down. Since we have been working on fixing up the house, I have been thinking more and more of the things that we will need for the baby. Trying to pare down that list to the bare essentials, because the rational part of me knows most of the stuff out there isn't really necessary to raise a baby. It is hard though...I do have an emotional side! And I have an inner shopper in me that is dying a slow punishing death (akin to starvation) due to our current financial state. I have picked out so much on our is absurd because I will never be able to afford a fraction of the items. I probably shouldn't have done that...not fun or productive to window shop knowing you can never buy. Setting oneself up for disappointment. At the time, though, it was the closest thing to actually shopping!

I know a crib bedding set (even a cheap one like what I picked out) isn't absolutely essential, but it would be nice to feel good about something, to have something cute/pretty to enjoy. I would like to have picked out a crib, a changing table, stroller and really fancy up a nursery and this pregnancy in my taste/style...but the financial higher powers have not cooperated this time. Trying to decide if we can afford the classes (birthing, infant CPR, breastfeeding) offered at the hospital...whether this is a necessity or not...whether we can get by without them.

I AM very grateful for every single hand-me-down -- the free crib, the hideous but functional high chair, the toys, the car seats, the stroller (which I do like very very much) etc. I do appreciate each and every item. I just wish I could experience the excitement and fun that comes from picking out something for your baby and creating that special nest...I have seen friends go through this. Picking out the best for your child....Feeling blue because I don't feel like I can experience this. Sad because I can only provide so little...letting the little one down already. No one to blame but myself job, no money!


Friday, August 21, 2009


The dogs on their walk... Afterwards Sadie took a "hooker bath" in her water bowl.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Franz relaxing...

in poisonous plant trimmings...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lunesta sleeping on 10th Mtn blanket

Lazy Sunday ramblings

We are relaxing and taking it a little easier today...the past few days have been fairly busy. Ian started scraping the peeling paint in the bathroom on Wednesday in the hopes of finally fixing it up, and unwittingly uncovered a big problem with potential (probable) lead paint. He stopped, well, he stopped after I freaked out about lead dust and the health hazards of lead, and did some sorely needed research about this dangerous problem. We are going to ask the OB about testing me for my potential exposure to the lead...fortunately our next checkup is tomorrow.

The plan now is to encapsulate the potential lead using a special sealant after *carefully* removing the peeling and damaged stuff. The worst of it (removing the peeling paint) is finished, with Ian using a lead filter respirator and sealing off the room. He has covered all surfaces with spackle to even the texture, but still needs to sand and apply finishing coats - looks really rough now. Then apply the sealant, prime, and paint...then done! Well, at least with the comes the bedroom, the nursery spare bedroom, and the hallway. much work and way behind schedule but this problem must be fixed asap and his schooling starts again very soon.

I stayed at my parents with the five dogs Thursday through Friday to avoid additional was a good time! Mocha enjoyed the sleepover with her five sisters. Lots of swimming in the crick and running around outside. Hailey had a rough time - she fell a few times and seemed to be very sore and limped quite a bit...old age is really setting in. The dogs were very good - slept through the night right next to (or on top of) me and Mom on the couches in the living room. Only bad thing was that the poor dogs uncovered multiple yellow jacket nests and swarms over the two days. I think the only dog not stung was Luna...couldn't get through her thick fur. Hardest struck was Sadie. Fortunately Mom and I were not stung once. On the bright side, the pups uncovered a huge nest down near the crick, right near where Mom and Dad set up for their annual picnic which was on Saturday.

We did end up going to the picnic after all on Saturday. I didn't think we would make it because I had a bridal shower that afternoon for a friend in Philly at a nice restaurant on the waterfront (food was very very good...she and her family are fellow foodies! herb crusted salmon and then creme brulee for dessert...yum!). The shower was fun, and I am glad I was able to make it. The bride is a very sweet and nice girl that I met at Penn in graduate school - in my class and program. She and her groom to be make a wonderful couple, and I am sure the wedding in October is going to be amazing. Despite being HUGE by then, I fully plan to attend - wouldn't miss it for the world!

Back to the picnic...there were a good number of people there, most of whom I could not identify. Mom's bbq chicken and hot wings were very good, and Ian definitely ate more than his share! It was great to see the kids, as I haven't seen them since Vermont. Leif, Griffin, and Maeve were their usual boisterous selves; Sawyer was glued to Ian a good part of the day; and Ryder, Dawson, and Eve and I spent a lot of time hanging out and talking. I loved it! The only thing a little odd was Tessa...she was very distant and wouldn't speak to Ian or me. Makes me think that she is aware of the problems between me and my sister....that is a real shame. I was hoping that the kids would be a bit shielded from all this pettiness. Very disappointed in that.

Tonight is supposed to be my sister's birthday dinner, but Ian and I will not be going for multiple reasons. First of all, we can't afford to go. It is pricey and fairly far away for us. With all the unanticipated house issues, the baby, and our joint unemployment, we have to be sooo frugal. Sucks. Second of all, it would be awkward right now, as Nicole and I have not spoken directly to each other or attempted to address our issues. Third of all, so much to do around the house over the next two weeks. Part of me feels a little guilty for not going, but then again, there have been countless times that I have not felt supported by my sister. Two wrongs never make a right, but sometimes you need to do what is best for yourself.

Got a call from my brother Buck and Demetra this morning - they might have H1N1 (I refuse to call it swine flu anymore). Buck is better, and Demetra seems to have a mild case. I have a strange fascination with this virus...and the potential badness it may bring this winter. I am definitely going to get the vaccine asap...good thing that pregnant women are going to be first in line when it becomes available...bad thing that we are also extremely susceptible to the strain.

Oh well, a little more relaxation this afternoon then back to work this evening! Oh wait - one funny thing - before I left for my Mom's, I had made a pitcher of iced tea out of tea recommended during pregnancy. I guess I forgot to mention this to Ian, as he drank nearly the entire pitcher while working on the bathroom. I got a kick out of that...hope his hormones were in balance those two days!


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A cat guard....

For the crib. Can't you just imagine our cats doing that? We figured if we didn't get this at least one would be sleeping in the crib at all times....

Monday, August 10, 2009

26 weeks

Wow, I cannot believe it has been 26 weeks...the end is approaching! Unreal and a bit terrifying. I am starting to feel as big as a house (this is becoming a bit traumatic for me) and am hating this heat! For once, I am totally okay with not having to leave the house for the next few days (100 degree days!!!!). I cannot wait for the fall. Trying to come up with a clever Halloween costume-definitely going to avoid something as cheesy and cliche as a pregnant nun.

Hmmm..related to Halloween, my aversion to chocolate has disappeared. Still not a chocoholic as before, but I am actually enjoying it again. Fruit and berries trump all however! I think I could live on watermelon, mango, strawberries, and blueberries...cherries. Hmmm...tomatoes and cucumbers are up there too! Good thing this pregnancy happened over the summer...good thing Costco supplies these things in abundance for prices that we can actually afford, though Ian's crate o' mangos borders on absurdity.

I feel a bit clumsy and awkward, but Ian is being really great about that. He is also giving fantastic foot massages - well, he has always done that - but it seems so wonderful these days. He has also come up with a plan for the next two weeks to try to tackle the list of must-do house projects. It is ambitious and we will be very busy, but it must take priority in the next two weeks so that he can start school again (and work hopefully) with less stress at home. We will be very busy unemployed bums.

The baby is kicking, but this week she is a little more bladder kicks/punches. I think after my next appointment in a week we start having appointments every two weeks...which means we probably need to sign up for birthing classes. Ugh...

I have been cleaning out the spare bedroom/nursery...getting all my craft and art supplies organized to clear some space for the baby supplies. I discovered some really cool stuff, by the way, that I had almost forgotten I had! It is coming together- just need to order the crib bedding and then that will be all set. I changed my mind about which set. Ian and I went to Target to actually look at it, and he gave his seal of approval. He likes the lion a lot! No more changes!

I have started to feel alive again, so I am going to start responding to the various emails from my friends sent over the past few weeks...I hope I haven't sorely disappointed any of them for my persistent silence. I know my Mom and Christie have been starting to work on planning a baby shower for us - I want to thank them very much for doing so much already and what they may do in the future (I expect nothing!!!). Sometimes I wonder what I do or did to deserve the two of you! Whatever happens I am sure it will be a fantastic time and I will appreciate it very much.

Other than that, I have been spending time with the pups. Keep telling myself to enjoy these last two months before the craziness really sets in.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A night out....

Sat night we had a rare night out at Christie's neighborhood party. It was a great time - complete with mango margaritas (yummy and alcohol free for Marie). I took the tequila away before she was able to add it, but I think she managed a sip from our other host Kathryn. The girl is fiending for a drink.

We met a lot of interesting people, including the local exhibitionist aka shower girl. Who takes a shower at 8pm at night for hour and a half with no shades?

We also sugar loaded one of the local toddlers with three of those chocolate cupcakes resulting in a massive meltdown. Lots of fun to watch! Glad we are not having a boy.

Thank you to Christie for really cute outfits - they are really great and cover some much needed size ranges! I have just been informed that the baby is getting space in the closet which is more than I have ever received.

Grandma Netty gave the little one her first book - a little golden book called The Shy Little Kitty. In it she wrote that she would read it any time the little one asks. I think she will regret this promise and have it memorized in short order.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

A new seat...

This new stool we got at target on clearance for 17$ makes the perfect seat for Franz providing a great bird watching perch. It also has the added benefit of air flow from the ac, which results in the constant generation of a cloud of black and white fur.

Tasty tasty

Mmmm chocolate cupcakes stuffed with nutella cream and a ganache glaze for Christie's neighborhood party...

Friday, August 7, 2009

Lazy Luna....

Luna in her spot, the laziest dog ever...

More shoes...

This girl collects clearance shoes almost as fast as her mother and she's not even born yet....

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Its a Boy!?!?!?

And he's furry! Trying out the new hand me down stroller car seat system...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Another night...

So Marie seems to finally be getting some sleep, unfortunately its on the couch, so we'll see how long that lasts. She'll probably wake up in a bit and be unable to sleep all night. The little one seems to like to kick her at inconvenient times, and I really imagine that a kick to the bladder is no fun.

I signed up to take the patent bar, and my check went through, so I guess that means my application was accepted and I have about 3 months to take the exam. Should be a fun time. I am also taking the MPRE this Friday, though that should be considerably easier. For those of you not familiar with legal exams, the MPRE is a portion of the bar about professional responsibility, and can be taken any time during law school. I took the class last semester, so I may as well take the exam now. For your entertainment here is a sample question:

1. Attorney Alpha currently represents Builder, a building contractor and the plaintiff in a suit to recover for breach of a contract to build a house. Builder also has pending before the zoning commission a petition to rezone property Builder owns. Builder is represented by Attorney Beta in the zoning matter. Neighbor, who owns property adjoining that of Builder, has asked Alpha to represent Neighbor in opposing Builder’s petition for rezoning. Neighbor knows that Alpha represents Builder in the contract action. Is it proper for Alpha to represent Neighbor in the zoning matter?

A. Yes, if there is no common issue of law or fact between the two matters.

B. Yes, because one matter is a judicial proceeding and the other is an administrative proceeding.

C. No, because Alpha is currently representing Builder in the contract action.

D. No, if there is a possibility that both matters will be appealed to the same court.

The answer is of course C, but I'm sure you knew that. Basically a lawyer can't represent two people who are suing eachother, even if the matters he represents them on are different. So this is pretty fun stuff. :)

I have a meeting with a recruiter tomorrow, hopefully it will go well. I also spoke to an attorney at another large law firm in the city. He gave me some hope that my direction is a good one.

Well, hopefully with some sleep Marie will feel a bit better, I worry about her being stressed out too much.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Bladder kicks...ugh

3.5 hours sleep last night due to incessant kicks/punches to the bladder-funny Ian seemed to have no trouble sleeping at all! Majority of the day today spent either on the couch or watching tv in bed. Not a good day!

My irritability is contagious, the dogs have been fighting worse than normal - had to break up a fight between Sadie and Ginger (very strange).

Sad how this blog is becoming my only social outlet!

Too much politics...

So Marie recently discovered that I have a penchant for bugging our elected officials. She convinced me that Obama needed a message regarding the crazy "Birther" movement. Below is the actual email sent to

Mr. President,
I offer a solution to the current questioning regarding your citizenship: please consider displaying an official copy of your birth certificate in a secure public venue such as the Smithsonian American History Museum or other such suitable open setting. This would enable those who question your citizenship to satisfy their misgivings in a setting that is open to all without bias or discrimination.
Frankly, my wife and I find this to be a disgraceful, disgusting, partisan driven controversy (with potential racial overtones), and we're tired of it being given any credence in the media. I fear this
distraction may detract from legitimate issues facing our country; it's time to put it behind us.
Respectfully yours,
Ian M.

Monday, August 3, 2009

First shoes

Found these today at Target on clearance, some really cute shoes for the little one. The next thing we want to get is the crib bedding... Marie is itching for it.

Week 25

The baby is kicking up a storm...pretty constant and sometimes downright distracting and borderline uncomfortable. Having trouble sleeping at night most of the time, which is making me irritable particularly in the mornings (ha ha, like right now!). I started to put away the baby's clothes, but I made sure to leave the tags on just in case this turns out to be a boy (which would only happen to me!) We cleared a bit of room in the spare bedroom, but doing so only made me realize we are out of space....too much stuff! There is no room for a changing table in the "nursery" so we are going to have to make do by changing diapers on my desk in that room. On the bright side, it will work, and it will save us money. There is just enough room for the rocking chair that my Mom is planning to get us - though I am not sure that we should get it due to the expense - we will see.
I think we have a good supply of newborn I have to hold off on buying more of that stuff though they are very cute. Gotta work on the 3-6 month clothes now...and maybe some kids books.

Staying at home is really wearing me down. I can safely say that I hate it! I feel trapped inside this house, and the current heat wave is not cooperating at all. I can barely stand anything above the low 80s, so there are days when I don't even leave the house at all. Not a good thing for me physically or mentally....also probably why I haven't been feeling well lately. Thankfully we have taken a few day trips to the shore - the only excitement in my life these days. I need to figure out how to deal with this situation; I cannot continue on just doing chores and housework (never-ending and making me quite resentful of Ian's messy habits) day after day. I need something to look forward to each day - a reason to get out of bed!

There are many projects around the house that must be completed before the baby comes, but it is a real struggle to motivate Ian to do them. I have little momentum to get myself started, let alone try to encourage him. I fear that we will not get it done, and he will start working again and school and there then will be no time. Most of it I cannot do by myself - it is too physically demanding (installing flooring and trim and scraping paint off ceilings and walls) right now. Ian does not seem to enjoy the housework or projects, and seems to prefer watching tv or playing wii, which doesn't help matters at all...I am starting to feel a little alone in all of this and a bit of a nag. This is still a vacation of sorts to him I guess, until school and/or work starts again. For me, it is a bit of torture, with no end in sight!

Such a downer I am...don't like this at all!

I felt her kick!

Its pretty amazing and now that I've felt it I leap trying to feel it again. Though for some reason my hand seems to have a calming effect on the little one and she stops kicking. Perhaps I will be thankful for this effect later.
Its been interesting being home from work for the past week. Even now we're just starting to get into the nursery room!
We've got a lot to do to get ready!