Sunday, December 20, 2009

What a great anniversary!

With our new little present!

We were very fortunate that my parents drove to our house despite the ~20 inches of snow that fell yesterday. They watched the little monster while Ian and I went to dinner to celebrate our first anniversary. We were going to take the train into center city to try a restaurant on our "must try" list, but after waiting in the cold for close to an hour for the Septa train, we gave up and walked down to the local Italian restaurant, Franco's trattoria. It was very tasty as always. We did see the train eventually pull up - over an hour late! If we had waited and taken it, who knows if we would have been able to take the train back home - probably would have had to take a taxi. Damn Septa!
Little monster was very good - Mom said she mostly slept the entire time and both she and Dad held her while we were gone. What a good baby! I wish it were summer and not flu season - I would love to take her out with us on adventures!

Little Annette has been eating even more, and last night she slept for almost 5 hours, took a bottle, and then slept for 3.5 hours more! It was amazing! Again, what a good baby!

Again, happy anniversary, Ian! It has been a heck of a year, and I am grateful for the very best anniversary present ever, Annette. But this does not follow the traditional paper gift...

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