Tuesday, December 29, 2009

traits inherited from Daddy...

...regularity (yes, you know what that means) and an intense interest in the television. First quality is just fine with me, but the second one is gonna have to go!

I think I heard Annette laugh a little in her sleep today. She was smiling away and then kind of gave a breathy ha ha ha sound. 1st laugh - probably dreaming about the blue owl!

We had such a great day yesterday - Annette and I went with my Mom shopping all over the place for Christmas bargains (out her way) - that I think both of us were worn out today. I am ashamed to admit it, but both of us are still in our pajamas as of 7:30pm! Annette was an angel while traveling. She seems to be just fine in the car - I am so relieved! We even changed a poop-in-progress diaper in the car with very minimal mess and not a single cry or peep out of Annette. She may have been a bit man-handled in the process, but she didn't seem to mind a bit.

It was also nice to drive around in our new (well, nicely used) car - my Dad's blue taurus that he handed down to us. It was strange driving a sedan and being so low to the ground, but it was sooo nice to drive a vehicle that was not covered in Luna fur. I am looking forward to having this second clean car. Believe me, it is very very clean (what else would you expect from Dad). We did notice that the pathfinder has an antifreeze leak and will have to repair that this week :( It is nice having another vehicle for such occasions.

Annette has been fussing more at night - suffering from intense gas and hiccups. We are tired, but doing okay. Once she gets through the episodes, she smiles and settles down. Little monster!


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