Thursday, December 3, 2009

3 weeks ago...

Three weeks ago I was enjoying the bliss of an epidural kicking in! Time has flown by. Annette has mostly grown out of her newborn clothing, now on to the 0-3 month clothing (which we have plenty - my little clothes diva). She no longer fits the Pampers newborn diapers little beefer. She is really starting to show her personality - I call her my high maintenance chick, as she tends to keep me very busy each day. She likes to lay on my lap and stare up at me, giving out little cries until I get her pacifier. Then we play the fetch the pacifier game for a bit before she settles down completely. She is pretty amusing, no trouble at all really. She also enjoys kicking off one sock or a mitten...repeatedly. Funny girl.

She is definitely a Daddy's girl when Ian gets home. The two of them are sleeping right now on the couch. This is the first chance for me to use the computer today, so I am going to stay up a bit tonight until she needs her next bottle - then we can all head up to bed. She is still sleeping on me or Ian at night. We don't mind, though, as it is nice to have her so close to us.

I have noticed that there are very few pictures of Annette and me, as I am the one typically taking the pictures. I have mentioned this to Ian (it's not fair!), but he never thinks to take pictures...gotta work on him to fix this! And to think that I am the one who did all the hard labor to get her here! On that note - I am still taking it easy around the house, in the hopes that I will recover from the complications. It is slow going...getting very very stir crazy and anxious to get some things done. It would be nice to go for a walk as well, but too soon for that.

The dogs are doing well. They are totally spoiled by me staying home all day and never leaving the house anymore. Sadie is still licking her wound open, and she has since figured out how to roll out of her doggie diaper. She is a tough cookie. The dogs looove chasing the three squirrels in our yard. That is their latest craziness.

We put up our Christmas tree the other day, and I have been playing Christmas music around the house. We have a few adorable outfits for Annette to wear for the holidays. Now I need to find the time to make her first Christmas present...I plan to make her a silver ornament for her first Christmas. It is hard for me to believe it is December - where did November go???

Well, I hear my little monster stirring, so I better wrap this up.


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