Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Vomit...second favorite to pooh!

Unfortunately, little Annette has just spit up an entire bottle for the second day in a row. Yesterday, I laid her down for a nap and briefly went upstairs to do a few things. Had the baby monitor with me, but she didn't cry or sound distressed at all. When I came back downstairs, she was covered in vomit! Poor girl. Now this afternoon, she spit up her bottle while I was carrying her - this time both of us were covered in vomit! More disturbing to me than to her, fortunately. I think her growth spurt is slowing, and she just needs to take less formula per bottle. Other than that, she is doing well. She is smiling a lot more - and I think it is actually in response to Ian or me. She is starting to coo a little bit. So cute!

Ian and I ordered a few small toys for her, and they have started to arrive in the mail. Since I never get to leave the house, amazon.com is a wonderful thing. I have hid them from her (ha, as if she could actually see what they are) and am going to wrap them and put them under the tree. Her Christmas clothes are washed and ready to go! Love this little girl!



Christie said...

I love that you hid the gifts from her! It made me chuckle (I did it, too). Sorry to hear about the vomiting, but glad she's smiling and cooing at you guys. It makes you feel so good inside, doesn't it?

Ian said...

today was better...no spit up only an explosive pooh that required a wardrobe change.