Thursday, December 10, 2009

Happy 4 weeks!

Little Annette is 4 weeks old today...and she celebrated by sleeping and eating a ridiculous amount. Little girl is growing fast! She is noticeably bigger - both in length and weight. Since Ian had a final tonight, we are going to celebrate on Saturday (Dec. 12 - one month) with a little cake. Poor Annette will not be able to taste, but Ian will help her out and eat her share, I am sure.

I have been thinking and reading more about induced labors and my complications. I am convinced that my labor was so terribly difficult (strong and fast) and the complications so extensive because I needed to be induced due to premature membrane breakage (water broke before I was ready!). I have been thinking about this because I have been wondering if the next pregnancy (if that should happen) will be as difficult - not sure I would want to go through this again. Thinking about this because I just put aside all of the newborn supplies for Annette, and I found a onesie or two that she didn't get a chance to wear! If there should be a second little girl however...ha ha!
But from what I read, induced labors are the worst...and hopefully that would not happen a second time. Hopefully I have gotten everything bad out of the way...and the second time would be much more enjoyable. I have accepted the formula feeding...if I should have to do that a second time, I think it would be easier to deal with. I still wish I was able to feed her naturally, but you can only do what your body lets you do! Annette is thriving on formula - I could not ask for more. I cannot believe a baby this small can ingest so much! She definitely gets that from Ian.

The other thing I have been thinking about lately is how everyone warned me about pets after the baby is a dog no longer is your prized baby and becomes "just a dog." I can honestly say this has NOT happened, nor do I believe it ever will. My dogs and cats will continue to be our furry babies. I do not understand how people stop loving their animals as if there is a finite supply of love and the baby requires it all. In our house, it seems like the motto is the more the merrier! We may be at the legal limit for domestic cats and dogs in the city of Philadelphia, but we do have plenty of room for a baby or two. Good thing Annette doesn't seem to mind her furry siblings in the slightest.

I will post pics of our one month birthday celebration. I will have to pick out a special outfit for such a special girl! My little clothes diva...

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