Thursday, December 31, 2009


How life has changed...spending a quiet night at home with the cats, dogs, Ian, and baby Annette. I am wearing yoga pants and a hoodie, no makeup, uncombed hair and most likely will fall asleep before the ball drops! The highlight will be possibly giving Annette a bath and watching Ian play Wii. Complete 180 from previous years (wearing sparkly clothes, smokey eyes, heels, champagne, and coming home as the sun rose). I wouldn't have it any other way, just realizing that I might actually be an adult! Maybe...

Chubby cheeks

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Monster at her first baja fresh.

This kid is gonna love cilantro!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

traits inherited from Daddy...

...regularity (yes, you know what that means) and an intense interest in the television. First quality is just fine with me, but the second one is gonna have to go!

I think I heard Annette laugh a little in her sleep today. She was smiling away and then kind of gave a breathy ha ha ha sound. 1st laugh - probably dreaming about the blue owl!

We had such a great day yesterday - Annette and I went with my Mom shopping all over the place for Christmas bargains (out her way) - that I think both of us were worn out today. I am ashamed to admit it, but both of us are still in our pajamas as of 7:30pm! Annette was an angel while traveling. She seems to be just fine in the car - I am so relieved! We even changed a poop-in-progress diaper in the car with very minimal mess and not a single cry or peep out of Annette. She may have been a bit man-handled in the process, but she didn't seem to mind a bit.

It was also nice to drive around in our new (well, nicely used) car - my Dad's blue taurus that he handed down to us. It was strange driving a sedan and being so low to the ground, but it was sooo nice to drive a vehicle that was not covered in Luna fur. I am looking forward to having this second clean car. Believe me, it is very very clean (what else would you expect from Dad). We did notice that the pathfinder has an antifreeze leak and will have to repair that this week :( It is nice having another vehicle for such occasions.

Annette has been fussing more at night - suffering from intense gas and hiccups. We are tired, but doing okay. Once she gets through the episodes, she smiles and settles down. Little monster!


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Shopping today!

Today I met my parents and my nieces Eve and Tessa for a shopping afternoon. Ian stayed home with Annette and worked from home for a few hours. We had originally planned to spend the day with his parents, but they were too sick to visit. Unfortunately they will return to Washington tomorrow, so we didn't have as much time to visit with them as we had thought we would. Fortunately they did get to meet little Annette for a few hours on Wednesday evening. Hopefully next year we can all plan for a more substantial visit as Annette is growing so fast and will be so much bigger by then! She is changing every day...such a sweet cutie!

Shopping - 1st we went to Ikea, where the girls got to experience the mecca of cheap Swedish goods that is Ikea. They loved the lingonberry soda and the dog bum hooks for their walls! After that, we went to Michaels for some craft materials and Barnes and Nobles for some books. I snagged some Martha Stewart Christmas craft supplies for 70% off - what a steal! Definitely worth the trip out. I picked up a Twilight Jacob bookmark for Mom...though it will never be normal for a 64 year old to be as giddy as a schoolgirl about that teenage heartthrob. I am proud to say that Eve is on team Edward, sorry Mom, he is definitely the better choice! The afternoon reached a peak with the girls' induction into the DSW shoe obsession club. I am proud to say that I purchased Eve and Tessa's first pairs of DSW bargains. Tessa got a cute pair of Steve Madden ballet flats for 70% off, and Eve got a pair of stylish Privo (Clarks) athletic flats also for 70% off. I found nothing for myself...hmmm, strange how that worked out. So much fun though showing them the best shoe fantasy home, my DSW! And now I can keep an eye out for bargains for them as well! I cannot believe they are wearing women's sizes already...good for them that's for sure!

Ian, little monster and I have spent the rest of the evening playing Wii and relaxing with the dogs. So far a very quiet Christmas weekend. I have more pics to post - particularly of the various Christmas outfits we had for Annette. She wore a relaxed Christmas Eve outfit (in the pics below), a very special Christmas Day outfit (will post pics), and a pretty day-after-outfit reserved for today's visit with Ian's parents (sorry that we had to cancel that visit though- pics will be posted). My little clothes diva was definitely in the holiday spirit!


Merry Christmas!

Gram with her buddy little Annette...check out that cute reindeer bum!

Christmas Eve...all ready for Santa!

Hurry up and get me dressed for Christmas Day!

Christmas stocking from Pop. Check out her first 2-dollar bill to put in her piggy bank.

More pics to follow once we download them from the camera...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Ugly princess

Entertaining is such hard work!

Sleepy baby during and after her visit from her Washington grandparents and her great Aunt Terri and Elisabeth. It is unfortunate that they couldn't meet her when she was more active and awake - she has such a beautiful smile during those times! Instead, she was a very sleepy baby during those couple of hours. Maybe next year.

Track Suit

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Track suit 2

Oh my, look at that chubby chin!

Happy baby

Annette and Mommy are making vanilla spritz Christmas cookies. Annette amuses herself by talking to the blue owl, her best friend.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Vomit...second favorite to pooh!

Unfortunately, little Annette has just spit up an entire bottle for the second day in a row. Yesterday, I laid her down for a nap and briefly went upstairs to do a few things. Had the baby monitor with me, but she didn't cry or sound distressed at all. When I came back downstairs, she was covered in vomit! Poor girl. Now this afternoon, she spit up her bottle while I was carrying her - this time both of us were covered in vomit! More disturbing to me than to her, fortunately. I think her growth spurt is slowing, and she just needs to take less formula per bottle. Other than that, she is doing well. She is smiling a lot more - and I think it is actually in response to Ian or me. She is starting to coo a little bit. So cute!

Ian and I ordered a few small toys for her, and they have started to arrive in the mail. Since I never get to leave the house, is a wonderful thing. I have hid them from her (ha, as if she could actually see what they are) and am going to wrap them and put them under the tree. Her Christmas clothes are washed and ready to go! Love this little girl!


Sunday, December 20, 2009

What a great anniversary!

With our new little present!

We were very fortunate that my parents drove to our house despite the ~20 inches of snow that fell yesterday. They watched the little monster while Ian and I went to dinner to celebrate our first anniversary. We were going to take the train into center city to try a restaurant on our "must try" list, but after waiting in the cold for close to an hour for the Septa train, we gave up and walked down to the local Italian restaurant, Franco's trattoria. It was very tasty as always. We did see the train eventually pull up - over an hour late! If we had waited and taken it, who knows if we would have been able to take the train back home - probably would have had to take a taxi. Damn Septa!
Little monster was very good - Mom said she mostly slept the entire time and both she and Dad held her while we were gone. What a good baby! I wish it were summer and not flu season - I would love to take her out with us on adventures!

Little Annette has been eating even more, and last night she slept for almost 5 hours, took a bottle, and then slept for 3.5 hours more! It was amazing! Again, what a good baby!

Again, happy anniversary, Ian! It has been a heck of a year, and I am grateful for the very best anniversary present ever, Annette. But this does not follow the traditional paper gift...

Friday, December 18, 2009

Little Annette...

Little Annette trying to nap with hiccups followed by a little surprise at the end if you listen carefully... special treat for Uncle Buck and Aunt Demetra (this has not been doctored).

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Stupid insurance companies!

One more compelling reason to support universal healthcare...

Annette's coverage under my insurance plan ended December 12 (30 days after birth) but her new insurance plan cannot commence until January 1 (only enroll on the 1st of every month - stupid policy). Thus, she is currently uninsured!

I guess this little girl is going to be holed up in this house for 18 days - no Christmas shopping trips for this little one! Keeping my fingers crossed that she doesn't get a cold or the flu...damn the winter season.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Happy 4 weeks!

Little Annette is 4 weeks old today...and she celebrated by sleeping and eating a ridiculous amount. Little girl is growing fast! She is noticeably bigger - both in length and weight. Since Ian had a final tonight, we are going to celebrate on Saturday (Dec. 12 - one month) with a little cake. Poor Annette will not be able to taste, but Ian will help her out and eat her share, I am sure.

I have been thinking and reading more about induced labors and my complications. I am convinced that my labor was so terribly difficult (strong and fast) and the complications so extensive because I needed to be induced due to premature membrane breakage (water broke before I was ready!). I have been thinking about this because I have been wondering if the next pregnancy (if that should happen) will be as difficult - not sure I would want to go through this again. Thinking about this because I just put aside all of the newborn supplies for Annette, and I found a onesie or two that she didn't get a chance to wear! If there should be a second little girl however...ha ha!
But from what I read, induced labors are the worst...and hopefully that would not happen a second time. Hopefully I have gotten everything bad out of the way...and the second time would be much more enjoyable. I have accepted the formula feeding...if I should have to do that a second time, I think it would be easier to deal with. I still wish I was able to feed her naturally, but you can only do what your body lets you do! Annette is thriving on formula - I could not ask for more. I cannot believe a baby this small can ingest so much! She definitely gets that from Ian.

The other thing I have been thinking about lately is how everyone warned me about pets after the baby is a dog no longer is your prized baby and becomes "just a dog." I can honestly say this has NOT happened, nor do I believe it ever will. My dogs and cats will continue to be our furry babies. I do not understand how people stop loving their animals as if there is a finite supply of love and the baby requires it all. In our house, it seems like the motto is the more the merrier! We may be at the legal limit for domestic cats and dogs in the city of Philadelphia, but we do have plenty of room for a baby or two. Good thing Annette doesn't seem to mind her furry siblings in the slightest.

I will post pics of our one month birthday celebration. I will have to pick out a special outfit for such a special girl! My little clothes diva...

2 humans 2 cats 1 dog

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Relaxing on the couch...

Furry and non-furry siblings

Cute less fussy baby

Grumpy fussy baby ...

Annette has been tough the last two days...don't know what her deal is.

Finally the monster rests... Mommy's kangaroo pouch.

At least I can water the plants while she sleeps.

Monday, December 7, 2009

I called Annette's new outfit a...

NJ tracksuit Marie was not pleased...

Eat, sleep, diaper change...repeat!

I realized most of the pictures we have posted are of a sleeping Annette. This girl does more than sleep eat...and eat...and eat some more! She is eating above the normal amount (roughly 2.5 oz per lb body weight per day), but the pediatrician said to feed her as much as she wants right now as she might be in the midst of a growth spell. Wow, does she ever eat though!

She is definitely bigger - not sure how long she is, but she does not fit newborn diapers or onesies anymore. She likes to use her hands more - she rests them against the bottle when we feed her. She has a beautiful smile too, and I can't wait for the real smiling to begin. I seriously believe she is the cutest baby ever!

Sleeping angel

Sleepy Monster

Me and Monster


First snow...

Watched from the warmth and safety of inside!

I love my bouncy chair!

and Gram's blanket!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The original pack...

Hanging out on a dog bed.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Mixing prints...

Total fashionista!