Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the Union... very divided.

I noticed that last night while watching President Obama's speech. I was surprised by a few friends of mine on facebook...a few of them are hardcore Republicans. The most insightful observation that they could write was that Pelosi looked ugly and Obama looked orange. I found the first comment offensive because I am really tired of people criticizing female politicians' looks (Hillary Clinton is a great example)...what ever happened to judging a female based on her job performance, what she stands for, or her words? Why so fixated on appearance? Well, because that is the quickest (and meanest) way to cut a female down in our society. Disappointing...very easy way out in my opinion.

The second comment was more subtle and more insidious. Joking about the color of Obama's skin...that it is orange...well, that is just focusing too much on the color of his skin! Terrible... I am surprised that people still exhibit closet sexism and racism...much less that they are people I know!

Monster is napping...Dogs are snoring...

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