Monday, January 4, 2010

Checkup and first shot - 7.5 weeks

Annette now weighs 12 lbs!!! She has gotten so much bigger. She barely fits the 0-3month clothes and will be starting the next size soon. Fast growing girl. Her hair is still fairly dark...most likely not going to be a blonde :( Her eyelashes are getting thicker and blacker...very pretty! Cute monster!

She didn't like getting her shot at the appointment and let us know with a sad and pathetic wail. Poor monster! Her next round is in a few weeks, and my Mom is coming along since Ian can't make it (his boss is being an ass about ANY time off even an hour for a doc appointment - jerk). The next appointment will be rough - she will get two shots that time. Poor girl.

Monster has started noticing toys now and is a little more interactive. She really likes playing with her Daddy and smiles up at him. I can get a smile out of her too, but I think she is going to be a Daddy's girl.

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