Thursday, January 21, 2010

10 weeks...

Monster is 10 weeks old. She is celebrating by taking a very very long and much needed nap in her bouncy chair. She had a tough time at her PED appointment yesterday - it wasn't the shots as much as general terror the minute we got into the exam room. Not a happy baby! So far she is handling the shots well, only a little red mark at the injection sites. She is very tired, however. She slept from midnight (had a little trouble putting her down last night) until 6:45am! She was barely fussing even then (6:45), but Ian got up and changed her diaper and then fed her. Who knows how long she would have slept if we didn't do that because she went right back to sleep again. I just woke her up and fed her again (about 10 am) and now she is back asleep. I am not going to try to keep her awake during the day today, for I think she is still tired from the PED visit and shots.

She is starting to like her baths even more. She never cried or anything like that, but she always looked a little unsure of things. Last night she seemed to settle in and relax a bit. I have a feeling it will only take a few more baths before she is splashing about and smiling.

The dogs have regained their energy and are their usual selves again after their energetic weekend. They really really liked the extended sleepover at my parents. We will have to do it again. Sadie continues to lick the baby and likes to guard her. I have a feeling they are going to be best friends in a few years. Ginger sniffs the baby when she is in her chair, but that is the extent of her interest. The others are indifferent. Franz and Pumba insist on trying to lay on her - I think they like her body heat and are trying to cozy up to her. I let them lay next to her when we are all sitting on the couch, but the basket is off limits.

I am flattered that so many friends have expressed an interest in meeting Annette. A few are coming to visit this weekend and then next weekend as well- I am really looking forward to that! Not too many people have met her yet, so it will be nice to start introducing her to new things and people. Hopefully she will be back to her smiley self by then.

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