Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Quiet and good Birthday...

Today is a quiet but very good birthday. Little monster woke up in a very good mood. She stretched out her arms in a victory stance and let out a very loud and happy squeal while looking up at me. I like to think that was her way of saying "Happy Birthday Mommy, now let's have a great day!" Fortunately she also ended her 3 day constipation bout...unfortunately it was under my watch on my bday! She is even happier now...good baby.

Ian will be home after work today, no class this evening. My parents are coming to visit and bringing some cake. All in all a quiet but nice birthday!

1 comment:

Cathie said...

I hope it is a good birthday, Marie!! A nice and lovely time with your family is such a precious thing. I know it seems far off now, but the years do go so fast and then it will be hard to have the family altogether.These days are making so many memories!
Cathie M.