Thursday, January 28, 2010

Diva time

Can you see the attitude in her eyes already?

Shoe obsession

I officially have a problem...I received this hand written thank you from the KOP DSW.

State of the Union... very divided.

I noticed that last night while watching President Obama's speech. I was surprised by a few friends of mine on facebook...a few of them are hardcore Republicans. The most insightful observation that they could write was that Pelosi looked ugly and Obama looked orange. I found the first comment offensive because I am really tired of people criticizing female politicians' looks (Hillary Clinton is a great example)...what ever happened to judging a female based on her job performance, what she stands for, or her words? Why so fixated on appearance? Well, because that is the quickest (and meanest) way to cut a female down in our society. Disappointing...very easy way out in my opinion.

The second comment was more subtle and more insidious. Joking about the color of Obama's skin...that it is orange...well, that is just focusing too much on the color of his skin! Terrible... I am surprised that people still exhibit closet sexism and racism...much less that they are people I know!

Monster is napping...Dogs are snoring...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Quiet and good Birthday...

Today is a quiet but very good birthday. Little monster woke up in a very good mood. She stretched out her arms in a victory stance and let out a very loud and happy squeal while looking up at me. I like to think that was her way of saying "Happy Birthday Mommy, now let's have a great day!" Fortunately she also ended her 3 day constipation bout...unfortunately it was under my watch on my bday! She is even happier now...good baby.

Ian will be home after work today, no class this evening. My parents are coming to visit and bringing some cake. All in all a quiet but nice birthday!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

10 weeks...

Monster is 10 weeks old. She is celebrating by taking a very very long and much needed nap in her bouncy chair. She had a tough time at her PED appointment yesterday - it wasn't the shots as much as general terror the minute we got into the exam room. Not a happy baby! So far she is handling the shots well, only a little red mark at the injection sites. She is very tired, however. She slept from midnight (had a little trouble putting her down last night) until 6:45am! She was barely fussing even then (6:45), but Ian got up and changed her diaper and then fed her. Who knows how long she would have slept if we didn't do that because she went right back to sleep again. I just woke her up and fed her again (about 10 am) and now she is back asleep. I am not going to try to keep her awake during the day today, for I think she is still tired from the PED visit and shots.

She is starting to like her baths even more. She never cried or anything like that, but she always looked a little unsure of things. Last night she seemed to settle in and relax a bit. I have a feeling it will only take a few more baths before she is splashing about and smiling.

The dogs have regained their energy and are their usual selves again after their energetic weekend. They really really liked the extended sleepover at my parents. We will have to do it again. Sadie continues to lick the baby and likes to guard her. I have a feeling they are going to be best friends in a few years. Ginger sniffs the baby when she is in her chair, but that is the extent of her interest. The others are indifferent. Franz and Pumba insist on trying to lay on her - I think they like her body heat and are trying to cozy up to her. I let them lay next to her when we are all sitting on the couch, but the basket is off limits.

I am flattered that so many friends have expressed an interest in meeting Annette. A few are coming to visit this weekend and then next weekend as well- I am really looking forward to that! Not too many people have met her yet, so it will be nice to start introducing her to new things and people. Hopefully she will be back to her smiley self by then.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New lizard chair

This was a Christmas present for Monster from was just released and shipped from Amazon. She loves it! She really likes bugs: dragonflies, bees, butterflies. She had quite the conversation with the bee on this chair. I think she likes its buggy eyes.

Monster discovered her hands...

More shots today...

Poor little monster is getting 2 more shots today at her PED appt. Not looking forward to it - have to go it alone this time. Annette has been sleeping very well through the night - sleeping from about midnight to about 5 am that is a nice chunk of sleep! She is now officially wearing sixe 3 to 6 mo clothing and size 2 diapers!

She is cooing and smiling so much now...very happy baby. She is not aware of the debacle created by the results of the MA special election...what is wrong with those yankees??? Poor Ted must be rolling over in his grave...what a disgrace. What a slap in the face to the rest of the country and healthcare reform...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Cried out...

4 days away from daddy equals a very unhappy baby...scared of him and screaming every time he holds her!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sleeping Monster!

Happy Monster!

Smiling monster!

Happy 2 months Monster!

It has been two months since the little Monster was born. She celebrated today by spending the day very alert and playful. She only took a nap in the late afternoon...which bodes well for this evening. We might actually get a decent amount of sleep. Today was rough on me however, as I have not adapted to a normal sleep schedule yet and was not prepared to entertain the little Monster all day as she demanded.

We started her on a semi-schedule yesterday, complete with her very first bath (pics will follow in the next few days if not tonight) before bedtime. We plan to start her bedtime ritual at about 10pm each night (when Ian gets home from class) with a bath, a baby massage, a bedtime story and then BED! Hopefully she will like this idea and comply...

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Monster has her Daddy's puffy lower lip (will be sultry when she gets older ala Angelina Jolie!), her Mommy's heart shaped upper lip, her Mommy's unfortunate puffy (ok, pudgy) fingers, her Gram's full black eyelashes, and so far her Daddy's blue eyes and dark hair. Her turkey thighs are her own and hopefully will eventually go away in later years. Her appetite, late night feedings, and gassiness are definitely paternally derived. Grumpiness and propensity to swing with a left jab/right uppercut when angry may have maternal origins...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

2 letter difference...

...between the words motherhood and fatherhood, yet in regard to responsibilities and expectations, a much greater difference. When a mother stays up all night with a fussy baby, doesn't shower for days in a row, and scrapes together the time to do laundry or other mundane chores, then that mother is doing her job. She may or may not get recognition and validation. She puts herself on hold...permanently. When a father *volunteers* to handle night feedings, change a few diapers, or wash a few bottles, then that dad is a great father and the partner should feel lucky to have such a contributing partner. He gets rewarded for this behavior - some men get boys' nights, time to engage in hobbies, or golf outings, etc you know what I mean.

I think there is a terrible double standard for women to be *proper* mothers and also successful contributors to society. Careers for women are just as stressful if not more so than those for men. Multiple barriers to success (that I won't even begin to discuss) challenge women daily. And then to be the primary caregiver to babies and children? I do not feel that men face a comparable amount of stress and responsibility. Unrealistic expectations? Work life of the biggest challenges to women. Time...our biggest enemy.

I am not working right now, but I am beginning to wonder how I will be able to do that and maintain sanity. I can barely balance taking care of Annette and the pets and keeping up with housework. In fact, I am not sure that I would say I have been successful in that at all, and I would definitely say my sanity is not peaking. I don't shower regularly, I barely eat or drink during the day, and I am up much of the night either catching up on housework or taking care of her. I have a stack of magazines I would like to read. I have jewelry designs that will never be created. I crave a hot shower. I would like to have girly conversations with my friends. I'd like to go shopping! and go out to eat at a new restaurant! I would like an excuse to wear shoes and brush my hair. I sleep in fits of a few hours at a time. I frequently do not know the date or day of the week. My days are measured in checklists...did I get to finish watering the plants, did I wash the bedding, did I feed the dogs before noon, are there more diapers downstairs? Small successes if I manage to do one or two daily. I wonder daily how this house would run if I weren't here...

There are good days and bad days to this whole motherhood thing...perhaps this is a bad day...I am amazed that I scraped together enough time to craft this entry...hope it is coherent!

Finally, happy 8 weeks, sweet Annette! I will continue to try to do my best...for you alone.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

Checkup and first shot - 7.5 weeks

Annette now weighs 12 lbs!!! She has gotten so much bigger. She barely fits the 0-3month clothes and will be starting the next size soon. Fast growing girl. Her hair is still fairly dark...most likely not going to be a blonde :( Her eyelashes are getting thicker and blacker...very pretty! Cute monster!

She didn't like getting her shot at the appointment and let us know with a sad and pathetic wail. Poor monster! Her next round is in a few weeks, and my Mom is coming along since Ian can't make it (his boss is being an ass about ANY time off even an hour for a doc appointment - jerk). The next appointment will be rough - she will get two shots that time. Poor girl.

Monster has started noticing toys now and is a little more interactive. She really likes playing with her Daddy and smiles up at him. I can get a smile out of her too, but I think she is going to be a Daddy's girl.


New (used) playard and activity mat

Little monster loves them both! Both were picked up for a steal and barely used!