Friday, February 12, 2010

I really need to go back to work...

I am just not cut out for this...staying at home all day by myself. It is particularly bad because of the snow - can't take the car out anywhere because it isn't completely dug out and who knows if the spot will still be there upon my return. So I sit here...all day...every mind is slowly rotting away...I either need to find a job or I need to move somewhere else...neither seems to be a viable option right now! Totally rethinking living in Philly...

I am waiting for Ian to get home - he left work over 2 hours ago but there are problems with the train line (of course inept Septa at its best) and he is now walking over 2.5 miles from an alternate station not even on our train line. Don't even get me started on my hatred of Septa right about now! Annette is being so demanding today, and I really wanted Ian home at a decent hour to give me a break. Not happening...

What is that saying from Seinfeld? Serenity now, serenity now...

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