Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day, sleepy Moo!

Little Monster Moo is taking her morning nap. We had hoped to take her and the dogs to my parents, but it looks like we are going to spend the day at home instead. Instead, my parents are going to my sister's for birthday cake for my nephew today - Leif's birthday is Wednesday. We weren't exactly invited and we had repeatedly been told that birthday cake for each of the kids would always be on the actual birthday (no matter how inconvenient that was in the past), long story about that one....soooo, here we are!

Dogs are disappointed - Ginger keeps looking up at me for a sign that she is going for a car ride. Instead, Ian is playing in the backyard, throwing snowballs and running around with the dogs. Hailey is the only dog that doesn't play. She is getting too old for that kind of play and the cold.

Well, someone just woke up and is giving me lots of smiles. I think she wants my attention - little diva! Fortunately, she wakes up really happy 90% of the time!

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