Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy 3 months, Little Monster!

It is unbelievable that Annette was born 3 months ago...she is sooo big now! 3 months isn't very long at all, but it seems like this little one has been with us much longer than that. Well, I guess technically she was with us for 9 additional months... She still has the hiccups multiple times a day, just like she did when I was carrying her. She is a talker, such a little talker.

She has pretty much grown out of her Moses basket. I had really hoped to make it longer using that as her bed. We broke down and bought a mini crib to keep in our bedroom (the full size crib from our neighbor wouldn't fit in the room). It is shipping now, and I am hoping it is here by Tuesday as scheduled, or this little bean will have nowhere to sleep! We would like to keep her near us in our bedroom for as long as possible - through at least 6-9 months when the risk of SIDS finally decreases - we are in no hurry to have her leave our little nest. Between the 5 dogs and 2-3 cats that sleep in our room any given night, we love having the little monster close to us as well! The more the merrier, right?

Well, happy 3 month birthday little monster, you are such a little angel!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gram says "Happy 3 month Birthday monster!...When there is a spot to park on your street I will be there ...