Friday, May 15, 2009

Unlucky 13...

After five agonizing days, I believe my mega headache may be finally breaking. We had an OB appointment today, and the doctor okay'ed my use of caffeine/tylenol/advil (my usual migraine breaker) to try to stop this terrible headache. If it didn't break and if it got much worse, she recommended a trip to the ER this weekend. Whew, I am happy to say I don't think that will be necessary. I have been laying in the dark living room, sipping my coke zero - it must have been a sign, because Coke was having a free sample day on the streets of center city so Ian managed to snag 4 cans of coke zero after the appointment. Yum...caffeine never tasted so good. So far so good - down to the level of a mild headache now...what a relief! It is highly likely the headaches may continue through about week 16 or new magic number!

On the bright side, at the appointment today we got to hear the heartbeat...about 160 beats per minute...normal!


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