Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Week 15

Week 15...started in the midst of a very bad cold. I literally hadn't left the house in one week...and hadn't even gone in the backyard or out the front door from Friday through Monday evening. I really missed out on the nice weather of Memorial barbeque or hot dogs for picnics or the company of other people. :( Ugh.
Today I am starting to feel like the cold may be waning, but still using double digit tissues over the course of the day. Last night and today have been very I have been vomiting repeatedly. The worst yet!

I am seriously behind on my thesis and in preparations for this conference. I am so afraid that I am not going to be better in time for the flight on Friday. So much to do. And the thought of giving my talk at 10:30 am Tuesday is killing me - that is prime vomiting time for me it seems, though who knows, things could change in a week...maybe nothing will happen.

Not feeling very good about week 15... Not feeling very good about this thesis...


Friday, May 22, 2009

Many thanks...

To Mom for sending these really nice baby clothes!

Definitely a cold

...yes, a nasty horrible cold to round out this week.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Week 14

Week 14 started out pretty good physically...and then I woke up with a sore throat and general achiness this morning. The only thing that got me through the sore throat last night were the halls vitamin C cough drops...falling asleep with a choking hazard, I know! I would love to just stay in bed all day today and rest, but I am really behind on my thesis, so I will have to drag my sorry self to the desk. I am working from home all week - definitely not going in again after the way Monday lab meeting went. I don't understand why some PI's (hmmm...I wonder who) make life incredibly difficult and make no attempt to listen to what you are saying. Extremely frustrating! In the long run, I know it will be best to move on and start fresh somewhere new...I just wish I had something lined up for July 1st so I could stop worrying about our finances and the future.

I definitely have a little belly bump - not just amorphous weight gain anymore! Yippee! It is really noticeable after I eat meals - I swear I balloon out each evening only to sink back down by the morning. It is going to be obvious in a few weeks, I think.

We are very fortunate to have so many neighbors with little kids and babies. One set is moving out of the country and has given us many many things - a wonderful high chair, infant car seat, toys, a baby bjorn (cloth carrier for the baby), and crib with mattress for a very nominal amount(thank you!). And another gave us a wonderful (practically new) pack and plays set. We can use that to stop the dogs from running over the baby. My friend Christie very generously gave me a pump (keeping fingers crossed that I will have a job by then and actually get to use it!) and toys and clothes - I love all the bibs - so cute. We will need some more things, so we started registries on amazon and target and I don't think we need many more big items - well, a changing table, stroller, and rocker for the late night feedings would be nice and sheets for the crib! I think we will be able to afford those things over time. We will have to plan ahead and not be tempted to go overboard. It is hard, there are so many cute things out there!

Ian finally admitted last night that he would prefer a girl as well. He thinks it would be great if she would call him "Daddy." Even as an adult - which I find hilarious. Wow, if we would have a girl she would be the most spoiled girl ever! Maybe a boy would be better...nah, who am I kidding! We'll see in a 6 more weeks...

I read that I could start feeling the baby kick as early as week 14. That would be really neat, I think. It will probably happen after I get back from the conference in Chicago in two weeks. Not looking forward to the trip that much. A little nervous about traveling when not feeling particularly great, although Chicago is a great city. I have to give a talk (ugh, the nerves!) and now I am also stuck handling another lab member's poster. Fun for me!

Oh well, I have much to do today...better get on it!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Now that Franz has gone...

Clawde has taken over. This is why we're getting a net for the crib.


Is breaking in some of the baby items we got from the neighbors

Friday, May 15, 2009

Unlucky 13...

After five agonizing days, I believe my mega headache may be finally breaking. We had an OB appointment today, and the doctor okay'ed my use of caffeine/tylenol/advil (my usual migraine breaker) to try to stop this terrible headache. If it didn't break and if it got much worse, she recommended a trip to the ER this weekend. Whew, I am happy to say I don't think that will be necessary. I have been laying in the dark living room, sipping my coke zero - it must have been a sign, because Coke was having a free sample day on the streets of center city so Ian managed to snag 4 cans of coke zero after the appointment. Yum...caffeine never tasted so good. So far so good - down to the level of a mild headache now...what a relief! It is highly likely the headaches may continue through about week 16 or new magic number!

On the bright side, at the appointment today we got to hear the heartbeat...about 160 beats per minute...normal!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Pregnancy post 13 weeks

I thought it would be a good idea to start documenting this whole pregnancy...the good, the bad, and everything in between. Going to try to do this on a weekly basis.
We are at about 13 weeks now. Have a doctor's appointment on Friday for a checkup. Hopefully we will hear something, though I doubt we will get another ultrasound.

The past 6-7 weeks have been difficult - at times downright crappy. Last week I started to feel a little more energetic, but then vomiting started. Not terrible (well except for vomiting at school, but fortunately no one was around and I was able to grab a trash bag in time)...I remember my friend Sonal's morning sickness and that was something terrible. At least it isn't like that...yet! Working from home most days has been wonderful, though I wish I could have been even more productive than I was.

I'd say all of this started with nausea and extreme fatigue at about 7 weeks and it has now evolved to a little nausea, a bit more energy, and for the good parts (haha) - heartburn, headaches, and vomiting. Tums is my best friend. Hello little jar of mixed berry smooth dissolve...I am sure we will have dinner together this evening. I thought 12 weeks was a magic number...but looks like not this time. I have always been quick to gag at a nasty odor and known for my super sniffer, but now it seems that even cleaning up after the zoo creatures (which I have plenty of experience) or the body odor of a fellow train passenger can trigger a bad reaction. Sorry, buddy, didn't mean to gag so openly when you sat down near me last week! At the worst of it, I was feeling a bit detached and not really excited about the baby, but that is starting to also go away.

Today Ian ordered two slings (one for him, one for me) for carrying the baby per my friend Christie's recommendation (25% off - can't beat that!). That would be our first purchase for the little one! We have to really be selective about our purchases, and resist the urge to buy anything but the necessities...I am potentially jobless as of July 1st afterall (another stressor...really need to start that prenatal yoga so I can learn how to deal!). Ugh, and still dealing with the financial consequences of the wedding. Oh well, the baby may not have the fanciest toys/crib/stroller/clothes, but it will have plenty of attention. Need to focus on the positive!

We decided that we would make a space in the spare bedroom for a crib/changing table...make it kind of a nursery of sorts. I am thinking of painting a mural on the one wall too. We also made a list of tentative names. Ian insisted we choose a few girls names as well, though I am POSITIVE this is going to be a boy. Cursed, I tell you!

I am glad to be finally thinking of the fun things rather than feeling like pregnancy is the biggest curse to ever strike women. Well, it still isn't all that great, but I am going to try to keep an open mind for the second trimester. Let's not even think about the 3rd, when I will be as big as a house and dealing with a whole new set of issues (ugh, swollen ankles, trouble sleeping...!). Already starting to feel some weight gain...let's hope the waddling holds off until the 3rd!

Anyway, all of this has made it difficult to work on writing my thesis, but I am starting to make a bit more progress. Going to keep at it the next two weeks and hopefully turn it into something presentable! In fact, I only have ten more minutes of goofing off time before I have to get back to work. Better end this for now.