Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Surgery and Recovery

I was terrified before my surgery. I am so glad that waiting is over.

Surgery went really well - less than an hour I think.  My doctor (surgeon) told Ian I was a perfect patient - the surgery went perfectly - and that I was welcome anytime to get more surgery in the future.  Ha ha, let's hope that last thing is not necessary any time soon.  My doctor printed pictures of my ovaries for me (wow, that left one was huge) and left them on my lap (a present?), but one of the nurses moved it while I was recovering and Ian didn't realize they were there.  Darn.  I wanted that souvenir.

The staff at Capital Health were amazing - it has been a pleasant experience both times (Chase's birth and now this).  I really like that hospital.  They called me today to follow-up - to make sure I wasn't experiencing anything unusual, to make sure I was taking pain meds, that I scheduled a follow-up with my doctor. Wow - what a pleasant surprise.  And speaking of pleasant surprises, a few friends at work sent me some flowers.  That is the first time that I have ever had flowers delivered to me!  How nice!  I remember my time in the hospital with Chase, how I noticed so many bouquets of flowers being delivered and thinking how I never had received flowers before...that reminds me, I should write about Chase's birth - will have to do that this week with all my spare time.  That little monkey might want to know about it some day. 
Anyway, recovery has been sloooow...and painful.  I have a cold, so every sneeze, cough, or feeble attempt to blow my nose has been painful.  And I have been terrible about taking pain meds...I hate the GI effects of narcotics, so I have been trying to tough it out.  A mistake, because when I do take them, I feel some comfort.  I have basically been just watching tv, reading magazines, and sleeping.  Boring.  Very hard for me to sit still.
I will most likely be out of work for 2 weeks.

I have one funny memory from surgery.  I had just climbed onto the operating table, and layed down on the table.  I remember them telling me they were giving me the IV drugs and that I would fall asleep quickly.  They were strapping down some limb or another, and I looked up at the bright light above the table.  It was bright whitish blue - an LED light with lots of little bulbs.  The drugs must have kicked in just then because I remember seeing the lights turn into these dancing faceted gems of all different colors (I really liked the pink ones) - I remember talking about the "gemstones" and all their colors to one of the nurses/techs and how it was so cool - and I remember someone laughing at me.  I must have sounded high as a kite!  Too funny.  And the next thing I remember is waking up in the recovery area and chatting with one of the nurses about kids and C-sections and life in general.  Again, the staff at that hospital really are very good.  I kind of wish I had gotten to stay one night.  Closest thing to a hotel stay/vacation for me...last vacation was over 2 years ago I think!   Ridiculous.

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