Friday, October 12, 2012


I want to clarify something.  This blog was started by Ian and me to chronicle our life...our zoo...  Ian rarely contributes to the blog any more.  Hmmm... I write to it and post to it to vent, sometimes when happy or proud of someone/thing, and sometimes simply because I just took a cool picture.  This blog used to be for us, lately maybe it seems to be for me.  Someday, maybe Peanut or Chase will read it too...and see a picture into their early lives.  And see into the mind of their crazy mom.
I don't want things judged in this blog...things thrown in my face.  I am in a really shitty place these days...feeling extreme anxiety and isolation.  It helps me to write about stuff, I have come to realize...and so I might be writing more over the next couple of days.

I love my kids and my animals.  They make me insane and sane all at once...but they never make me feel alone.  This blog is really about them.

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