Saturday, November 5, 2011

Better day today

Today was a bit better - shingles pain was sporadic and mostly tolerable for much of the day, though I needed to lay down for a bit mid day.  I seem to get some relief when I lay on my right side (where the infection is - weird, but maybe the pressure helps?).  It is starting to flare up a bit now - hopefully will be able to get a little sleep though.  I noticed another small new patch tonight - think that makes 8 total so far.
My parents came over for the day - was very nice. Peanut had a blast playing with them, and my Dad cut down the magnolia tree that was growing too close to the foundation and also all the large tree limbs that came down in last weekend's snow storm.  A lot of outside work is finished- I know Ian is very grateful for the help (he has never used a chainsaw or taken down a tree). I baked a cake and some scones for Dad's birthday - and Mom did the dishes and helped Peanut take a nap. Was great!
12 more hours to go and then we will definitely be delivering at the new hospital.  We better make it!  If we are in the hospital on Monday, Mom and Dad will watch Peanut and make sure Ginger gets to the vets for her surgery.  I am very thankful for that - Ginger is my furry baby and I am relieved to have her under their watch if I am gone.  That dog means the world to me...really!  She is and has always been MY dog...if you know what I mean.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

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