Monday, November 7, 2011

39.5 weeks and counting

Doctors no longer going to induce by my due date (this Thursday) because of shingles.  I am still getting new lesions, and this could pass the virus to the baby (through contact).  The shingles have caused a new level of pain the past two days.  Unreal.  I feel like my ribs have been broken and are sore and the stabbing, searing pains in my side and back occurs more frequently.  Really hoping I do not experience the long term nerve damage/pain that can sometimes occur from this crappy virus.  
Nothing to do but wait.  Baby showing little signs of coming on his own anytime soon (but that could always turn on a dime) so we will wait and monitor again on Thurs to make sure no signs of fetal distress and then reevaluate everything next Monday.  Definitely didn't expect this outcome.

We are going to pick up Ginger.  They finished the surgery a few hours ago but could not make a determination and have to send out a biopsy sample.  I was hoping for better news - like it was just an infected cyst or something like that.  Cancer sucks.  Poor old dog.

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